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全自動ブロックローディングマシン Omega 740/750



【生産の短時間化 – 在庫の少量化へ】
短納期 – 生産時間を大幅に削減


標準化された装置 – 素早くかつ個々に段取り替えが可能


ドキュメント名 全自動ブロックローディングマシン Omega 740/750
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.7Mb
取り扱い企業 Komax Japan株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




harness manufacturing EN

OMEGA 740 750 Komax has developed the fully automatic block loader machines, the Omega 740 and Omega 750, for wire harness production with insertion of housings. The highly flexible system enables operator-independent production with double - sided block loading in the highest quality and different complexity without the need for inter- im storage of individual wires. It is the economi- cal answer to ongoing miniaturization and increasingly smaller batches. The Omega series makes it possible to manufacture a range of dif- ferent wire harnesses while simultaneously re- ducing production time significantly. The tried and tested EtherCAT platform improves overall system performance and significantly increases Shorter run – less storage requirement – Shortest lead times – significantly reduced pro- duction time – Minimized stock level of semi-finished products – O ptimized production process Automated quality for the end product – Continuous quality, independent of the opera- tor – R eliable loading of miniaturized components – Force monitoring of the entire loading process – Optional ACD incision monitoring High flexibility – S tandard machine – quick and individual changeover – U nlimited number of applications The optical terminal measur- ing system enables the loading of a wide range of terminals.


PRECISION AND FLEXIBILITY FOR AUTOMATIC BLOCK LOADING Highly flexible block loading The new Omegas feature a 40 percent larger pallet to accommodate many different hous- ings. This makes it possible to mount more types of housings on a single pallet and man- ufacture different wire harness configura- tions simultaneously, thus significantly in- creasing flexibility. The pallets are loaded and unloaded as the machine is running, while another wire harness is produced on the second pallet with the newly developed, rapid hybrid gripper. Shorter lead times – less storage requirement – optimized process Decisive savings in time and logistics and a corresponding growth in productivity can be achieved thanks to the absence of manu- al steps, interim storage and transport. Cut- High flexibility and simple operation ting, crimping and loading of the terminals The new fully automatic blockloaders with all take place on the same machine and the enlarged mounting pallets ensure even time-consuming storage of individual wires greater flexibility for specific manufacturing is eliminated. Stock levels of semi-finished across a wide range of applications. They products can also be reduced, resulting in process wire harnesses in a single process faster responses to design changes and re- step from A to Z and open up new possibili- ducing the amount of material to be liqui- ties for the required wire sets. Already creat- dated. ed wire harnesses can be loaded again in seconds and re-produced. Thanks to individ- ual configurations – the Omega 740 with five process modules and the Omega 750 with eight – changeovers and interruptions are reduced to a minimum.

Wide variety with up to 36 wire types The different wire types for versatile wire har- ness production are available on the Omegas without the need for changeovers. The auto- matic wire changer provides up to 36 differ- ent wires from the entire cross-section range. Two automated inkjet printers mark the wires in black and one additional color within the same sequence. New possibilities thanks to the optional OBMS The optional OBMS optical measuring system makes the application even more flexible. It measures the individual block chambers pre- cisely using a camera system and enables the automatic loading of components that could only be processed manually until now. Guaranteed quality of the end 01 Up to 36 different cables from the entire cross section range are available in the wire selector. 02 Individual block chambers can be mea- sured precisely with the OBMS optical measuring system. 01 02

products The quality of the end product is continually 03The loading gripper monitors loading guaranteed, independent of the machine op- force throughout production and checks for correct terminal latching. erator. A high-precision force sensor moni- tors the entire insertion process and correct latching of the terminal parts in the housing. The individual default values are synchronized. As a result, the insertion of small components, which can almost no lon- ger be inserted by hand, is carried out in an absolutely reliable manner – supported by a precise and fast spindle drive. Thanks to the direct production of wire harnesses and the removal of interim storage, the danger of ter- minals being damaged through the storage process or from mistakes and incorrect load- ing is also eliminated. The optional automatic conductor detector 03 (ACD) reduces operator influence and en- sures quality monitoring even for the finest wires. The ACD detects the slightest contact between the blades and conductor strands during stripping. Continuous data flow and traceability Production data can be sent directly to the machine via a network. The quality data from the production process is saved for each wire harness and traceability is guaranteed at all times. Comprehensive advice for functional imple- mentation Komax brings the corresponding expert knowledge for the automation of wire har- ness production with Omega. Specialists evaluate the design of the wire harnesses and components with regard to automated processing. They present design proposals and assist companies in the optimal integra- tion into their production process.

01 02 01 Three pairs of blades with optional auto- matic conductor detector (ACD) cover the entire cross-section range. 02 With the help of the wire storage system, double-sided wire harnesses with a high degree of complexity can easily be pro- duced.

Technical data Omega 740/750 Piece output, one-ended and two-en- 1.8s per loading ded loading* Shortest wire length one-sided loading: 240 mm (9.45 in.) jumper connections at both ends: 300 – 560 mm** (11.81 – 22.05 in.**) complex loading: Stripping lengths Up to 25 mm (0.98 in.) with full stripping Up to 42 mm (1.65 in.) with half stripping (side 2 up to 27.5 mm (1.08 in.)) Process monitoring (integrated) Collision monitoring (block cavities) Monitoring of loading force Monitoring of terminal interlocking Block feed Carousel with pallets (customer-specific solution on request) * The output rate depends on the wire length and housing/terminal combinations. ** Depends on wire harness structure. *** Certain extremely hard, tough wires may not be able to be processed even if they are within the indicated cross section range. In case of doubt, we are happy to produce samples of your wires. Omega 740 4785 mm (188.4 in.) Omega 750 5745 mm (226.1 in.) Machine height with safety cover closed 2060 mm (81.1 in.) Machine height with safety cover open 2870 mm (113 in.) 03 03 The automatic marking sys- tem for two different inkjets marks the cables in an opti- mum manner. 2050 mm (80.7 in.)

Processing examples Cutting to length Wire feed Cutting pulled strands Wire deposit system/binding Full stripping Seal monitoring Half stripping Crimp force analyzer CFA+ Double sheath cable Integrated crimp height measurement Crimping Integrated pull-out force measurement Double crimping Wire length correction Seal insertion Splice detection Twisting / tinning Good/bad separation / Bad part cutting Sleeve insertion Sequence processing Split cycle for closed barrels Batch separation Ferrule crimping Networking (Manufacturing execution system, WPCS, MIKO) MIL crimping Material change detection / Material verification Wire end solidifying, splicing, welding Wire changer Inkjet marking Programmable crimp height Block loading

Options and accessories Marking systems Komax IMS inkjet marking systems • Automatic inkjet head changer Process modules C1370 crimping module (with programmable crimp height) • S1440 seal module • MIL crimp • Ferrule module • Quality control Integrated crimp height measurement • Integrated pull-out force measurement • CFA/CFA+ crimp force analysis • Splice detection • ACD automatic conductor detector • Material change detection • Material verification Software WPCS networking interface • TopConvert data conversion • Komax MES The untwisting module is used to neutralize twists in the wire.

Komax – leading the fi eld now and in the future As a pioneer and market leader in the fi eld of automated wire processing, Komax provides its customers with innovative and sustainable solutions for any situation that calls for precise contact connections. Komax manufactures series and customer- specific machinery for various industries, catering for every degree of automation and customization. Its range of quality tools, test systems, and intelligent networking solutions complete the portfolio, and ensure safe and effi cient production. Komax is a globally active Swiss company with development and production facilities on several continents. It supports customers locally in more than 60 countries with its extensive distribution and service network, ensuring the availability and value of their investments after equipment commissioning through standardized service processes. Komax includes more than 30 companies worldwide and employs around 1700 members of staff . Market segments Komax off ers outstanding competence and solutions for various areas of application and draws on them to generate the desired value-added for the entire process and optimize economic effi ciency in line with customer requirements. The main markets of Komax are as follows: automotive, aerospace, industrial and telecom & datacom. With this breadth of experience, customers obtain expert knowledge for process optimization and access to the latest technologies. Komax AG Industriestrasse 6 CH-6036 Dierikon Phone +41 41 455 04 55 Fax +41 41 450 15 79 komaxgroup.com 0374548 V0 Omega 740/750 Subject to change