


Ampex Product / Solution Overview



ドキュメント名 Ampex Product / Solution Overview
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 2.9Mb
取り扱い企業 アンペックス・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


TuffServ640 Ten Gigabit Recorder/Server


TuffCORD Onboard Recording System


このカタログ(Ampex Product / Solution Overview)の内容

Page 1:Ampex Product / Solution Overviewƒƒ Airborne Network Storage Arraysƒƒ Radar Recording & Developmentƒƒ Airborne & Extreme Mobile Video Recordingƒƒ Aircraft Test & Evaluation500 Broadway St. | Redwood City, CA 94063-3436Phone: 1-650-367-2011 | Fax: 1-650-367-3106www.ampex.com | E-mails: see websiteEurope: 5 Elmwood |Chineham Business ParkBasingstoke, Hants RG24 8WG UK | Tel: 44 (0) 1256 707517Japan: Ikedaya Shinagawa Building 5th floor12-27 Konan 2-Chome, Minato-ku | Tokyo, 108-0075 JapanTel: 81 (0)3 6433 9081TuffServ®220 Hi-DefEncoder / RecorderThe TuffServ®220 high-definitionencoder / recorder can function as amultichannel video recorder, encoder,video playback system, and file server.The base model is equipped with both1080p/720p HD and SD input andoutput interfaces, as well as GigabitEthernet interfacesƒƒ H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encodingƒƒ KLV metadata & event markingƒƒ HD-SDI in / out(1080p/30 or 720p/60)ƒƒ Simultaneous record / playbackƒƒ Compact & lightweight: less than 7 lb.ƒƒ COTS SSD memory in traceable enclosureTuffServ®100v Hi-DefEncoder / RecorderThe TuffServ®100v Video Serveris a remote video encoder, serverand recorder designed for airbornesurveillance and reconnaissance ap-plications. It accepts HD video signalswith up to 60 frames per second (720lines) or 1080 lines (30 fps) through an HD-SDI (SMPTE292M) interface and encodes it for recording and/or trans-mission onboard the aircraft or over a data link. The systemis compact, lightweight, low power and fully ruggedized. Itis ideal for both manned and unmanned platforms.ƒƒ HD-SDI video input/outputƒƒ KLV metadataƒƒ 720p60 and 1080p30 resolutionƒƒ H.264 / MPEG-4 encodingƒƒ Real-time video streamingƒƒ Recording to compact flashTuffServ®40 Compact,Lightweight Airborne ServerThe TuffServ®40 airborne server isthe most compact, lightest and leastpower-hungry member of the TuffServfamily. Specifically designed for de-manding applications such as tacticalUnmanned Aerial Systems where spaceand payload weight are at a premium, the TS40 leveragesthe Intel®Atom™CPU technology to provide cost-effectiveperformance with minimal power consumption.ƒƒ Gigabit Ethernet interfaceƒƒ TuffServ®recorder applicationƒƒ NFS, CIFS/SMB network file systemsƒƒ FTP and iSCSI serversƒƒ Web interface for administration and controlƒƒ Conduction-cooled flight-rated enclosureƒƒ Compact: 40 cubic inches / 650cm3ƒƒ Lightweight: 1.5 lb.ƒƒ Low power: 10W (nominal)12/13Ampex Product / Solution OverviewAmpex Data Systems Corporation is anAS 9100 / ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.Recording & StorageSolutions for:TuffServ®and miniR®are registered trademarks of Ampex Data Systems. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.ABOUT AMPEXAmpex designs, develops, and manufactures their line of IRIG106 Chapter 10 solid-state recordersystems, network file servers, and family of mission recorders at their Redwood City, Californiafacilities in Silicon Valley.Airborne & Extreme Mobile Video Recording

Page 2:Ampex Data Systems is a legendary supplier of ruggedized airborne recordingand network data acquisition systems used in flight test, ISR, and tacticalmission applications. By using innovative hardware and software designedspecifically to meet the performance needs of the marketplace, Ampexprovides its customers with product solutions for their most demandingapplications across the entire pricing spectrum.The Ampex TuffServ®Series is a family of rugged network-attached fileservers, led by the TS640 — the future of airborne network storage arrays.Employing a common architecture found throughout the TuffServ offerings,the TS640 advances performance and scalability to an entirely new level. Withblazing read/write speeds of up 1GB/sec, 12.8TB of removable solid-statememory, and dual 10Gbit optical Ethernet ports, the TS640 offers unparalleledperformance for a wide variety of airborne and mobile applications.Ampex’s legendary miniR®solid-state mini recorder continues to be theindustry leader for both flight testing and HD video mission applications.Further demonstrating Ampex’s position as an industry leader in high-definitionsolutions are the TS220, TS100 and the TS40 encoder/recorders, featuringsmall package size, cost-effective COTS memory, scalable design, andcommon architecture.Ampex knows mission, Ampex knows flight test, Ampex knows video.Ampex Products & SolutionsUseofU.S.DoDimagerydoesnotimplyorconstituteDoDendorsement.Airborne NetworkStorage ArraysRadar Recording& DevelopmentAircraft Test& EvaluationAirborne & ExtremeMobile Video RecordingTS640 TS640 miniR miniRTS480 TS480 TS480 TS220TS282 DSRs 400 TS640 TS40TS220 DSRs 400 TS100miniR®700 Solid-State MiniRecorder FamilyThe Ampex miniR®family of flight testand mission recorders are a best-of-breed collection of recorders, multiplex-ers, and data acquisition units designedto meet the most demanding needs ofairborne flight testing and mission uses.ƒƒChapter 10 recording: IRIG 106-2009ƒƒ Sustained data rates to 700Mb/secƒƒ Up to 896GB removable solid-state memoryƒƒ Hot-swappable mRMMsƒƒ Base unit with memory module less than 4 lb.ƒƒ Over 40 unique I/O modulesDSRs 440 Digital Solid-StateRecording SystemThe DSRs 440 is designed specifically for airborne applica-tions requiring high data rate andstorage capacity in a small, rugged andlightweight package.ƒƒ Data rate up to 600Mb/secƒƒ Solid-state capacity up to 2.2 TBƒƒ IRIG B time code inputƒƒ RS-232/422 control interfaceAirborne Network Storage & Radar Recording / DevelopmentAircraft Test & EvaluationTuffServ®640 Ultra-WidebandFile / Application ServerThe newest, most-advanced TuffServ ever,the TS640 represents the future of airbornenetwork storage arrays. Leveraging thecommon architecture found throughout theTuffServ series, the TS640 advances per-formance and scalability to an entirely newlevel utilizing a standard ½ ATR package.Blazing read/write speeds of up 1GB/sec,12.8TB of removable solid-state memory,and dual 10Gbit optical Ethernet ports offerunparalleled performance for a wide varietyof airborne and mobile applications.ƒƒ Up to 1GB/sec read/write, 640MB sustainedƒƒ Up to 12.8TB solid-state removable storageƒƒ Optional dual 10Gbit optical Ethernetƒƒ Flexible I/Os with multi-sensor capability:sFPDP, LVDS, and custom-developed interfacesTuffServ®480 Rugged File /Application ServerThe TuffServ 480 airborne server is a rug-ged, general purpose computing platformpackaged for airborne and mobile applica-tions. It functions as a ruggedized com-puter, a file server, or as a recorder. It canalso be configured as a network-attachedblock-storage device using the iSCSI protocol.ƒƒ Ruggedized computer / server / recorderƒƒ Hot-swappable solid-state disk arrayƒƒ Dual Gigabit Ethernet interfacesƒƒ NFS, CIFS/SMB network file systemsƒƒ FTP and iSCSI serversƒƒ Compact: 5.25” H x 7.25” W x 10” Dƒƒ Writes at over 200MB/sec sustainedƒƒ Removable storage arrayTuffServ®282 Rugged File /Application ServerThe Ampex TuffServ 282 is a rugged, general-purposecomputing platform and file server for panel-mounted applications in airborne and mobileapplications. The TS282 provides both a twinSSD removable memory module for high-performance, high-capacity use and a RASPfor cost-effective, rugged storage — each witha USB 3.0 download interface. I/O is providedby up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports and a PMC/XMC site. A front panel display and controlsare provided for HMI feedback.ƒƒ Ruggedized computer / server / recorderƒƒ Twin SSD removable memory moduleƒƒ Up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet portsƒƒ Front panel display and controlsƒƒ COTS SSD memory in traceable enclosure