


FOLDER Nickel Metal Hydride ボタン形ニッケル水素二次電池


Rechargeable NiMH Button Cells

Capacity Range
From V 6 HR to V 600 HRT, from 6 mAh up to 600 mAh – VARTA provides a full programmeof rechargeable button cells for all performancerequirements.


ドキュメント名 FOLDER Nickel Metal Hydride ボタン形ニッケル水素二次電池
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 155.9Kb
取り扱い企業 ファルタ・マイクロバッテリー・ジャパン株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


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Rechargeable NiMH Button Cells www.varta-microbattery.com

VARTA Microbattery combines entrepreneurial substance, strategic visions and technological competency for constantly improved products, application oriented designs and innovative product development. For more information please visit our internet page www.varta-microbattery.com. Capacity Range From V 6 HR to V 600 HRT, from 6 mAh up to 600 mAh – VARTA provides a full programme of rechargeable button cells for all performance requirements. ■ Safety: built-in pressure vent guarantees safety ■ Overcharge capability: cost effective charging in case of mistreatment ■ Low self discharge: no handling, no charging – ■ Deep discharge capability: longer lasting shelf-life ■ Cycle Life: extended product life time of more ■ No leakage: direct mounting on PCB possible due V...H robust V...HT robust85C High performance button cell with superior overcharge stability and High performance button cell with superior overcharge stability and temperature range -20°C to +65°C. electrode technology, temperature range -20°C to +85°C. Typical Applications: Typical Applications: ■ Memory Backup ■ Real Time Clock ■ Mobile Light ■ ■ Automotive Applications Type Designation Type No. Voltage (V) Capacity (mAh) Type Designation Type No. Voltage (V) Capacity (mAh) V 15 H 55602 1.2 16 V 65 HT 55707 1.2 70 V 40 H 55604 1.2 43 V 150 HT 55716 1.2 150 V 80 H 55608 1.2 80 V 150 H 55615 1.2 150 V 200 H 55620 1.2 210 V 250 H 55625 1.2 250 CP 300 H 55630 1.2 300 Application V...H Application V...HT

■ Manufactured on highly automated lines ■ Direct replacement for Ni-Cd ■ No memory effect ■ 0% lead, 0% mercury and 0% cadmium ■ Four button cell families with V...H robust ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ + + + V...HT robust85C ++ +++ ++ +++ ++ + ++ ++ provide the ideal battery solution V...HR powerful + + + +++ + +++ + + for any application. V...HRT powerful85C + + + +++ + ++ ++ ++ V..HR powerful V...HRT powerful85C High rate button cell with superior load capability for discharge currents High rate and high temperature button cell with superior load capability up to 5 CA. Based on foam electrode technology, temperature range for discharge currents up to 5 CA at high temperature. Based on foam -20°C to +65°C. electrode technology, temperature range -20°C to +85°C. Typical Applications: Typical Applications: ■ ■ Health Care Devices ■ ■ Server, Computer ■ Wireless Headsets, Headphones ■ Type Designation Type No. Voltage (V) Capacity (mAh) Type Designation Type No. Voltage (V) Capacity (mAh) V 6 HR 55996 1.2 6.2 V 18 HRT 55802 1.2 19 V 450 HR 55945 1.2 450.0 V 150 PT 55815 1.2 150 V 600 HR 55960 1.2 600.0 V 500 HT 55750 1.2 510 V 550 HRA 55855 1.2 550 V 600 HRT 55860 1.2 600 Application V...HR Application V...HRT Single cell or assembled power pack– VARTA Button Cells for every application! self discharge overcharge deep discharge cycle life storage behaviour high rate capacity at high temp. temperature range

Product Overview Type Designation Type No. Voltage (V) Capacity (mAh) Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Length (mm) Width (mm) Weight (g) V…H robust V 15 H 55602 1.2 16.0 3.10 1.30 V 40 H 55604 1.2 43.0 5.35 1.70 V 80 H 55608 1.2 80.0 15.5 6.00 4.00 V 150 H 55615 1.2 150.0 5.85 14.1 25.6 6.00 V 200 H 55620 1.2 210.0 7.40 14.1 25.6 7.00 V 250 H 55625 1.2 250.0 25.1 6.70 10.00 CP 300 H 55630 1.2 300.0 25.1 7.55 V…HT robust85C V 65 HT 55707 1.2 70.0 15.5 6.00 4.00 V 150 HT 55716 1.2 150.0 5.85 14.1 25.6 6.00 V…HR powerful V 6 HR 55996 1.2 6.2 6.8 2.15 0.28 V 450 HR 55945 1.2 450.0 5.60 24.1 34.1 12.50 V 600 HR 55960 1.2 600.0 6.80 24.1 34.1 14.50 V…HRT powerful85C V 18 HRT 55802 1.2 19.0 2.30 0.90 V 150 PT 55815 1.2 150.0 3.60 24.1 34.1 7.50 V 500 HT 55750 1.2 510.0 6.60 24.2 34.1 14.00 V 550 HRA 55855 1.2 550.0 6.80 24.1 34.1 14.50 V 600 HRT 55860 1.2 600.0 6.80 24.1 34.1 14.50 Voltage and Capacity indicated refer to nominal and typical values respectively. Contact Headquarters VARTA Microbattery GmbH, Daimlerstr. 1, 73479 Ellwangen, Germany Germany Americas VARTA Microbattery GmbH VARTA Microbattery Inc. VARTA Microbattery Pte. Ltd. Daimlerstr. 1, 73479 Ellwangen, Germany 555 Theodore Fremd Avenue 300 Tampines Avenue 5, #05-01 Income Tel +49 7961 921-0 Suite C 304 Rye, NY 10580, USA @ Tampines Junction, 529653 Singapore Fax +49 7961 921-553 Tel +1 914 592 25 00 529653 Singapore Fax +1 914 345 04 88 Tel +65 6 260 58 01 Fax +65 6 260 58 12 VARTA Microbattery GmbH is a company of VARTA AG. www.varta-microbattery.com 6201 0618 250 · Subject to change without further notice. No responsibility for the correctness of this information.