
ANALYZER co., Ltd.

ANALYZER co., Ltd. is the only equipment manufacturer in Japan that has both inner diameter inspection and inner diameter measurement technology at a level that can withstand the use of mass production lines.

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Company Profile

Company Name ANALYZER co., Ltd.
Address 〒739-0046 HiroshimaHIGASHIHIROSHIMASHIKAGAMIYAMA 3-13-60 Create Core room 11
Description ANALYZER co., Ltd. is the only equipment manufacturer in Japan that has both inner diameter inspection and inner diameter measurement technology at a level that can withstand the use of mass production lines.
Founding notes Oct. '22
Industry Automobile parts and accessories manufacturing industry
Business Description Development, manufacturing and sales of inspection equipment.
Number of employees 20
Phone no 082-426-6672
Company Site https://analyz.jp
Company Name
ANALYZER co., Ltd.
〒739-0046 HiroshimaHIGASHIHIROSHIMASHIKAGAMIYAMA 3-13-60 Create Core room 11
ANALYZER co., Ltd. is the only equipment manufacturer in Japan that has both inner diameter inspection and inner diameter measurement technology at a level that can withstand the use of mass production lines.
Founding notes
Oct. '22
Automobile parts and accessories manufacturing industry
Business Description
Development, manufacturing and sales of inspection equipment.
Number of employees
Phone no
Company Site

Company Inquiry

Address 〒739-0046 HiroshimaHIGASHIHIROSHIMASHIKAGAMIYAMA 3-13-60 Create Core room 11
Phone no 082-426-6672
〒739-0046 HiroshimaHIGASHIHIROSHIMASHIKAGAMIYAMA 3-13-60 Create Core room 11
Phone no
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