E3C-VS3R 2M Sales Info

E3C-VS3R 2M Ask seller contact

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Prices marked with * are converted on 06:58 using exchange rate information (Yahoo! Finance). Please note that it may differ from the actual price.
Supplier Supplier SKU Inquiry Cur SupplierComment
Intl Shipping Stock Delivery Price
8224E3C-VS3R 2M
Country of origin:Japan

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Supplier SKU

8224E3C-VS3R 2M

Stock Delivery Intl Shipping
No Stock ASK
Country of origin:Japan

Lot Price

Product Description

センサ部 マーク検出用反射形 赤色光 検出距離30±5mm


Manufacturer Brand OMRON
Series Name 小型ヘッドアンプ分離光電センサ
Model Page http://www.fa.omron.co.jp/products/family/423/itemlist/index.html?keyword=&b5id=423&dispNum=20&status=std&pageNo=2
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