




技術資料 Technology Note

A Solid Commitment to Quality
PureSure System Overview
PureSure System, how it works
PureSure System, removal of impurities
PureSure System, extending the life of the purification cartridge
Real Time TOC, an overview
Monitoring TOC in ultra-pure laboratory water
Removal of Endotoxin RNase DNase and Bacteria using the PURELAB Option-Q fitted with a Biofilter
Removal of Endotoxin using Point-of-Use Filters
Optimizing Biopurity in Purified Water for Medical Rinsing
Biopure Endotoxin Levels
PURELAB Ultra Analytic used for Trace Element Analysis
The pH of Pure Water
Maintaining Microbial Integrity in Pure Water
Biofilm in Pure Water
Recirculation or Static Storage
Use of Ultra-violet light in the Control of Bacteria
PURELAB flex real time TOC
PURELAB flex a different approach to sanitization
Removal of Endotoxin
PURELAB flex the efficient use of UV light
Bactericidal Effects of EDI Technology within the PURELAB Pulse
EDI Technology within the PURELAB Pulse
Overview of PureSure Technology used in PURELAB Chorus 1
PureSure Technology used in PURELABR Chorus 1
PureSure System with PureSure System used in PURELABR Chorus 1
PureSure System used in PURELABR Chorus 1
Real Time TOC System in the PURELABR Chorus 1
Monitoring TOC in ultrapure laboratory water
Removal of Endotoxin using Point-of-Use Filters EDI Technology PURELAB Chorus 2+
Removal of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in PURELABR Chorus
The effect on increasing Reverse Osmosis (RO) Recovery
PURELAB Chorus 1 The Efficient Use of Ultraviolet (UV) Light
PURELAB Chorus A different approach to sanitization
Integrated Filters Ultra vs Microfiltration
EDI Technology within the MEDICA range など多数掲載


ドキュメント名 エルガの製品技術を紹介した技術資料(英語版)一覧
ドキュメント種別 ホワイトペーパー
ファイルサイズ 719.8Kb
取り扱い企業 ヴェオリア・ジェネッツ株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


卓上型 超純水装置 PURELAB Quest


ラボ用純水・超純水システム エルガ製品総合カタログ vol.7




Technology noTe 1 技術資料 Technology Note y noTe 6 6 og Technol Recir C System cu Ba lc ateri ta w ii oies ll n impurit unle prolife ra or S Real Tim e TO of organic ssce preven teti v ine tae presen purh rities). bacteria me ea s wu are t ticator of t nic impu , ebu s ra at nif d t re ta fh k or m S b torrsal indic of inorga ater. the fil e wate en. Su iofilms on age monitor TOC? ful unive ion e w ter w r fe b-0. s e n is a us e a good i ndicat nic purit y of th g ill be ver ed 2ro mw-th y h in i g them i igh s c t ro o u n r faces i ? n Why do w ic Car bo an tivity giv es g erall o rga ro re o c r ug s c or ultra-fi ol ntact wit g Total On suring re sis i a ured of t he ov of ba hc ate nr dia el v ulting in oa ntamina te en rs b bu ted i ar ld w re i e u h s the wate Measur ed to r e way th at me ss l ak- -up th rem am e c an be a ter, a Toc eve th o bae wa irradi ls prior rough as f bacteri cteria t ove (in the s h onitorin g TOC w th ip at to w a e m nic puriti es are in relationsh ion ly rga ermore th e according in . t Ch ais re T fu t l h d ee fisi lg ters e i ls l and a a s the rele debr i cs hallenge ant ar ino o Furth y with n By const C icul ter. itoring TO hich part in the wa wate r will var echnolog n is ess ch ae sn ieved by r et e of debr i i ns creaseon w re d r ons of m nnot spe cify mpurities a i nds prese nt in the Note 17 ‘U y s No ial t circ into isks mitati onitor ca organic compou b of TOC e o te; the ap o f p a U li cc hV a i u o i c c p ligh t e io vn e t l a la d tion and h e wat f The sistivity m ecifi gani 10p t o equate the us er. Contro y that a re e l a to define which sp various o r ving in f U co of e w s rations of of Comp ound gi R the cont V in bac ntrol. Rec ultraviole In the sam ecir rol ter ircu t ent canno t help u t concent pp b len 19.2 culation c of bacter ii aom a l ca ov ntrorem e equi l lation is d measu oc and th below). Carbon 50.0 Sto p ’ is is T e % ra ag re l e e dis wre iq tu h . consid th tab ir s e tatic st e o rr e c d u sin se T d between minant. ( see t d a ec a 52.2 he 99.0 relative in ly ms ost w g a e hn te ol o each co nt or rev low early r p o u gt ri y fica O 20.0 13.1 ers v ea ori so mu o pur tion ptio nd s s w isa . i T fication n u sy t systems a 2 Compo 10.1 27.4 s he purifie a: d g w esa st ue c f r hc t a a e s rn b de is till I a nt i ao res anol st n ervoir w th itE h76.5 Op or co p 15.4 tion 1 ed in mbinafi til on er o iof d io icn rtr e e cUrea 6.5 In a reser a x irculation 3 v tion. change re s through a Chlorofor m a c oir or blad ins, UV irr o d a 64.8 mbin o fi al tt ir oa n er d ti o t f a i no kn fe ox r p u tion 1 of i f ation and Phenol is a on. ce h se af ers n a l valu nge te r o o c re r s sing eco i m c n o ns m , lU e-V p ass thr e o nu to d o e nd tr f oo l r o a r b p re T ir g eh e r h mrp h ad e co plic oval aTrichlo d again. T ie atur ios n n d e ea an n a id s at m c t o rn ot lla em d.i n o tions whe npt re o ti thyl ptha l on idized and Opt 2 i o j atio pe ro ba D y, ox n 1 ust v b n levels i in d c e ts erial level itored? for resist ivit efo th sr n n eed idization. use. tB ho et re e e o r x h o s b e u o S e est optio d m as st t p r a t voir and n fi e t i w is TOC mple is m re and po ic on na i ts hto s a l p low How p rage re com urifi ca oc monit or the sa e resistivi ty pared be tl io on a standar d T een th w n ference b etw C Monito r Ar O e . I e dif rd T as e f O n or air pt th da tr inction of n a on 2 fu olved Wit hin a Sta pment Stor ses inv age s with perio Example o f Proce dic recirc N uo la fl tio ow n Static throuw g R h e a Z o t o te f u rnre f- op ru ri ple Inlet ne ra ir ne a th r em e fication C Sa om in s us lti p ng t o o s ir te em vFe te agnation co o ent filter d v f erom nta a m iri bn oa rn n10 purifie t e s r 15 between ater the d ifference re e higher the Wat The g dings, th er m co ov n rea OC e ts inthe two of T uously concentra tion – D nis open ars eas stat e ic point Di let Fee sd p enseSample Out f p ru or mifi pe or int Recircul Wat aio tn er i recirp cu um lap ntermitte tn es there i ts l yn o w r he eq nu irement エルガの製品技術を紹介した技術資料です(英語版)。 ご興味をお持ちの資料があればお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Technology Note 1 A Solid Commitment to Quality Technology Note 2 PureSure System Overview Technology Note 3 PureSure System, how it works Technology Note 4 PureSure System, removal of impurities Technology Note 5 PureSure System, extending the life of the purification cartridge Technology Note 6 Real Time TOC, an overview Technology Note 7 Monitoring TOC in ultra-pure laboratory water Technology Note 8 Removal of Endotoxin RNase DNase and Bacteria using the PURELAB Option-Q fitted with a Biofilter Technology Note 9 Removal of Endotoxin using Point-of-Use Filters Technology Note 10 Optimizing Biopurity in Purified Water for Medical Rinsing Technology Note 1 1 Biopure Endotoxin Levels Technology Note 12 PURELAB Ultra Analytic used for Trace Element Analysis Technology Note 13 The pH of Pure Water Technology Note 14 Maintaining Microbial Integrity in Pure Water Technology Note 15 Biofilm in Pure Water Technology Note 16 Recirculation or Static Storage Technology Note 17 Use of Ultra-violet light in the Control of Bacteria Technology Note 18 PURELAB flex real time TOC Technology Note 19 PURELAB flex a different approach to sanitization Technology Note 20 Removal of Endotoxin Technology Note 21 PURELAB flex the efficient use of UV light Technology Note 22 Bactericidal Effects of EDI Technology within the PURELAB Pulse Technology Note 23 EDI Technology within the PURELAB Pulse Technology Note 24 Overview of PureSure Technology used in PURELAB Chorus 1 Technology Note 25 PureSure Technology used in PURELABR Chorus 1 Technology Note 26 PureSure System with PureSure System used in PURELABR Chorus 1 Technology Note 27 PureSure System used in PURELABR Chorus 1 Technology Note 28 Real Time TOC System in the PURELABR Chorus 1 Technology Note 29 Monitoring TOC in ultrapure laboratory water Technology Note 31 Removal of Endotoxin using Point-of-Use Filters Technology Note 33 EDI Technology PURELAB Chorus 2+ Technology Note 34 Removal of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in PURELABR Chorus Technology Note 35 The effect on increasing Reverse Osmosis (RO) Recovery Technology Note 36 PURELAB Chorus 1 The Efficient Use of Ultraviolet (UV) Light Technology Note 37 PURELAB Chorus A different approach to sanitization Technology Note 38 Integrated Filters Ultra vs Microfiltration Technology Note 39 EDI Technology within the MEDICA range ization UV Photo xid

0411_ELGA_2pp_A4_amended_portrait4.qxd:Layout 1 18/4/11 11:14 Page 1 APPLICATION NOTE 技術資料 Application Note Ultrapure water frerozen Diary – history unlocked impur ei t fi re os m su bi it oa log F ble i cfo aThe ter r ll yP C aR ca tiure w vewith the help of ultrap ApplicatA ibs otract nT Note:PCR techniques a hre r e in w4 3JH sea ir dc e e HP1 h s t ph r i ycombe, r e o a mu d us LabWater, Hig h W gh t eo t a hd rov uan ghce td h b e i lo ifm e e sciencer, ELGA RNase dical e a n s) ec p Manag w th oi rc h foboratory c r o d forensi c au mld p ca app l l ii fi o ead, R&D La u c c s a ation of gh ee n r it eh tiW cl mau a fo ta Dr P Email: info@elg alabwater.com conta e b tm io te r n 87500 i n n reak s. T ria a ln , f 94 8 t down he nee rs o i ms r fa ur e o d n l fy o c lo ign os nid ue cr leotides i s fo w r i rd ee al gy e r ne ts and so d lu amtio en ns t afr le gen ch ce WEATHER Tel: +4 4 (0) 14 free from wa et de .r T o b h mic o ern see c a o oco un lt da m cau cs oe g p nro iz e from rinants. b el de ,m ho nucl aG s eIN ww ever, the in asi eth s (t Dh Ne ate se cONITOR st f luenc , tM result es o s fo o i tt h is e rv i wta al t t eh ra bt o w rna e moter s lecu el re i f ultra houl pd z be used which is s have i b ng ure f Environmental Sciences o Introd y uction U baH cP tL ent f C r water Venice’s Depart me of atmospheres o ia ersity of l n record s esearch team at the Univ is a deep-froze The a his r dvent o I ig Carlo Barbante a nd els of heavy me tals. The snow f ps. olying year te m c eh rn ai sq e c Org nt -H n ten years lev the pass ue h s are inv o reaction (PCa R a ) nic compounds rodu RM For more th c snow to look for trace n has changed w ith lub tionised genomics i Partic Quo ctio S naling en digging up t he Antarcti show how atmo spheric pollutio ased methods, such n a ths e ulate r be re e v ae rr ls ye 1 9t 80s, and PC s R m- ay u n c cause damage / to th m se M es past, and the heavy metals quantitative PC ranscription PCR aR u e n s H turi (m q e P C coR lum PLC pu fo s S cen edic )a , al re n n s a mp a rm in and o b w ( Re Ts - nd fr nd c g iolog s P e CR) and its to block an ic n a t a a l i l ar l in a wid significa . The is r a en ffg ee c o nt for UHPLC user t s i s s oes f , a e t ven i more pro oc ne , is use earch applications. decreased di s a t he virule d by ed, using met ve ers r y m o sf mth ae ls l particle size s s an sd es, t nce, an any s the blocks we re sub-sampl susceptible et o c olu w h p e laboratory, ntative sample s as pre mm na st u mre a kb elo tc hk ein mg mo ith th e ide d ant eciee sth s y of Venice is In esigned to giv e as repre clean bench Colloids can be irre thve a re is ph ntific in bioti of ba of the Univers it protocols d r flow th ina eir HPLC cou com eno atio c re cte sor Carlo Barb ante w it n s in particular, h o e, in a speciall y designed lam ofe nd, sibl an bench and m ost of Pr a s le rtion po e c esu r lt si in bg ly adsorbed on t t eo r p bt arts. in me n a sis ri ain ospheric pollu a he sta t t rested in atm lls it washes pol lutants at 15°C. Th ne change tionery p a cold room kept d from polyethyle to the separation e pf hf ase, u ation n a nte w non is d char nce. T oo coori dars. As snow fa w inside was constructe icien nged over the ye the Antarctic sn o ling equipment s were placed in c r e a d d le U y p a has ch re an e han -samp l ot fr the ose. osphe th ce sub avio olumn. H ith hig sh senti i a cteriza unders nate be vy metals from t he atm o l t t e hea a historical re cord of fore use. Th lik es and acid cleane d be nitric acid and then re- let ( – provid as ified with UV u -) r l w radi ea ttio rapure ever, to solu . t Uio ltra- ion of t ah nd an haviors – frozen for c enturies of heavy meta ls such es, acid n ig he d p , s The levels are pol yethylene bottl B st. ords alysis. ecaus res pa zen rec e D Bio wate obta osphe se fro for storage unt il an NA molecules carry 2a Mar T r. In th i n tand h perf comm otent uch as atm , zinc and copp er in the g/g) froz en cha negati dmium, lead (p r ve ograms per gram nalysis ged biomolecules w charge, other nega the E echnic i n i s ra eliab e l m ma ormanc us nicat a b io lly mo iofca sands of pic n and A ithin the tively LG al pplica e re s s i p ls mu ec e liqui n mo dulate , varying from thouw tenths of a pg/g for mple Preparatiovery lo to interfeland surface snow r000 Sa e: e0, c n wee t 5 tan ith su rb es at cr ta it oe n b ein nvd ii r A A tr u oor n nment can PURE nalytic iay G abo mp g b L o lts, tro d c lec th for present d t m h u e olocene epoch ( up to n h r l s he H f fun damental i t ac y en no es etr om es a e tarctic snow fro m samples is of critical two factors are o nalysis and accuracy of tive site a An f the In trace a ntamination nd caus o o i terin eng ste gr i tc h i en positively c N A a t h e ar l tged-acy B® O Platf , we l echn y (HRM atogra ssocia years ago), so the purity oats on the team vi sited C rotection of the sample from c l s terfeVenice has specia ubstrate turnover. r enc l ho pt or oo iq S/ ph ted ent expediti out p the University o f e, leading to reduced ar mose i r on an m at k at h ues re MS), y (UH importance. On a rec b the c samples coverin g a period of a t and the measureme n inimum metallic content. Even DNA amplificat e Bi sign ion n e la d fle any ow quir an b PLC) Land, Antarctica , to take . This is the stor y t 1985 room facilities with m low density en bted from z yy Pm Ce Ro abou clean rnstruc s t eo li e5 t co sy sn on c aling c c th t xe us o o ones (A e m m 2 sys u te l o s-s Karin e a co e us , in ars from about 1 91 e e s and air fans are f DN u e n seventy y A p HEPA filter thesise double str olyme d rase muni poun HLs), s ms r-Mer Escoub sisten for th of that expeditio n. earchers single-st anded DNA cati ds u how to m Oc ey t su is polyethylene. given the re s randed ‘tem molecules fr Alo on sed n i e ean ro pp rlier work 2 had already be used to analy se seq pu lates’, using short om ng wit betwe by m n Figu eEa MS could ences to target olig o on tuc gleo ttide h a en s any re 1, heir w rap u h a li nd co y of ampling or F ield ICP- e S confidence that Sec t repeatability, pr ovided that th ge n te hr ea gene o primer (kn num ing bac a cll y u O llea ep ing an 8.3m de les with suffici ent g igg amp ed by sub-bo ilin ses f lt in o th te er rm est. A e eosta lb thle o D ugN h this p wn as brocess a er of o or clos ria ter p bser gue snow involved d al the s es concentrat for Alii uri va s a Antarctic ating met thirty tim arly conc- specificity and Ae polymerases u t , bo impor toindu hth t er m e e ly rela v t ibrio f fi is catio t n ory ha t th Sampling the contamin ples were stage cle f e g pit from wh ich potentially am tion fici the c s e plin uding the remo val of s ncentra ency targ an e s d ch v sam – incl evaporation. Th e sample co e sample, and is itself depend oe fn the enzyme cata e ly t w t role rs or p en f th t se ger specie boo btai eri (fo needs e use jects were care fully excluded o o d les1. The operat ors, wh rates any earlier contamination the n the ph on. For this reas on, com yp so ib c t i co a n t s at e a i l con d d i rt eio an cts i o(p nH is, t he ighly hich b ia nc t qe uo h ru erom c o on mpo s u .n l u . y and even spec tainless rce of contamin allow tion of the r mperature, fo ria m se es), A ds s squid) nw d in t h operators’ jewel ler ith acid-cleaned s w nother potentia l sou nique that wou ld ea etc inglg a e ould e phd samplin ll the digging a n ilst they were cu tting hers were keen to find a tech pre- enz id a wh arc ly without an y ym cte ios n w mixture1hich clea . v The .) and rmat coord nsing HLs cell. U not otop d ore clean room clothing rese direct e ne wall of the to be analyse d acid s tu erh presence of nuclea i , w s o s b at e phosphodiester li es t o – h ne , vlo ir i – u n l ae te th n ec behav p m lay an s of luci ing q be vis hib ore of steel tools m le t 40cm x 30cm x 33cm fro amp . They t he s sma , he chosue nanit EsL –G Aw LitahbWin the nre kag u l e t cks abou history s b echa fe era orum e if he H sample blo ut two years of concentration st ep. led pla y work tween n gan inductively coup t recent spectro metr disruption o action vessel wil u l cle leic ca Pur lif y de s i abo e Finni mos n e io s , and an rs, su n c ii st h m by larg e to si sens ti was p ae tu w t a ng ro aiian pit, each repre senting hylen rmo ESI y ti h d ks with an acid- cleaned polyet They chose a Th e MS) with an n ometer (ICP-SF URELAB Ultra Analytic. f th ” ad to ing o b as e ti to u e bloc d the spectr ected P bleytcico ims dee fsrigned fore “ PpoCliRsh pinrgoces severe water for f th ioti bio refo ons lim ced raped the samp l s, as ge PCR Ba e c r fi re w it b sc etallic contami nation, an n netic c bector field mass nflow nebuliser co URELAB Ultra Ana agm leabnotreatdor yu, nit dis material will quickly Optimizatio teria th acter esista ln m conse here b ye any m gs in a s ) PFA-100 micro tained The P t ersity of Venice’sremov ne ba entific main Univo en iser reaction cond n of PCR proces a at e ial pop ce, ba The ch rves e a th c e pro a d scraper to shed double po lyethyle -wa n they (E lemental Sci pray chamber . In the osmos id e e double pass s m the pre-treate d water sure reverse ition ses u m teria ucti red them in ac s had been tak polyfluoroacetat was drawn fro that has beaenr p re-treate dt hbay t all reagent s. Ied t f is thereo e ft l a os p o re from nuclea requires the use toin plo ulati sed o arac nergam t y l pop on . When all the s atories in re. The thawed sample d fed with water fitte ea nf r0e.1eM fΩro.cmm. nThe w ater is s and solutions vital ses, micro-org of water free duc y qu on. n co teriz . ulat cold storage pit ported to the la bor used anism trans at room t emperatu ng a Spetec per istaltic pump d has a resistiv ity better th ucle m nd d si an app rtridge, which acosesb.i nTehse n ine e Pd C R ap ele fo mr e s, o l ‘n plications nu ts for const r i gtu at nio icn c o o the empo run sds m into o rt um s m en po at a ne , u se icca cl f and traocl hei sin ue nd io s nis ions a ollected by ship was maintai a c PFA capilla ry r re d, to min imi tion nd e we purific a at nt to ea al q store, so that th e temperature bottle via a was pre-cleanetem hrough a prim ary ion an o sr gisa nwici dadesloyr breld e sys itric t and ecog se-free’ water in PC that these con l re c r u u he ship’s co th a Tygon tube . Th ultrapure n hange oresins sed tonized, ho R tam ag i en na tn s and buffers w ules s t . wi Toi etn u surrou g secre nt derst therefo antitat at all times. of contaminati on, by passing mixed bed ion e xc ther cont o w t n aieas.m It is then exp ever, there a s are not pr hisnu re bse din e th nd re o io low 10°C possibility at least twenty hours n be the ter) for both ionic and organic impurit inanim ts re wa es o q o wa ove p ce ode D ssure mercury mlampo, nly fou an d n umber ter – with rapure ey rem ow pNreA am in wate o a r f rt eh sat (T isti ev nit ty , ultrapure garade ( ther b uently g T envir ese AHLs q uorum f impo f auto acid (1% solutio n in ult dicator th of yp a a r ients. As an in o m olet irradiation using a l pli nm. Th 18 c2e can OC) .2 MΩc m, a tiva e I) cter bind nm re t sen tanc ndu pting any meas ure f2i5c4 va lo t i e y s e c tem ent clean when ultravi a l w t m V at wavelength s of 185nm and tion by PC ue of less t tot e a to n p i t e before a red the instru h generates U Ba ful bactericidal effect, R, including: and h ae nn d 2o 0t o px pbe ic r in , a b la octe froganic c the . Up ta t, w wh ical ng p o b r 08Pb and consi d h 2 nd. w diation chtase ar pioawe ria levedicals s below 0.01 E ls of belowr 1a arbon trans on bin rget re here en ba ly relea roces etter used lead a uto crip din cep cte se ses t less than 400 c ounts per seco avelength r e hydroxyl ra U CFU/imn l tio g, to o ria d i . H stabilised a ke the ICP-SF MS is longer w nerates fre PCR /ml d t r f l n o this s li shorter wavele ngth ge appTh organic matter t o lications4 –. E isL G hA ighly recommnu n em und bed ce of he s the con app we of instrumen t s used whilst th e e pl trreascee nlecveels o of a c v The accuracy standard e residua rtridge puri ’s PURELAB Ultra er for r c u s eo synthe e t en re er f the blanks an d hich photo-oxid is pufri fbicaactitoen ricaal DNA can fication process to p Genet f b s r i ts ain g o e induc d compo tratio ciable , becau on the purity o ed w cond e if u n a s dependent ble distilled ni tric acid us rged speciepa sa. rTthice uslearly f r qPioCnR as well as an y lead to erroneous resu PCR, inc r l ou du ch idat te lts din c i e c uu slt erap iu n s re gr t ah multi-stepa cter . In ne rs fic nd s a mo e and the dou acidifying form ed by photo-ox chniquyes, a , g: ade wate e surr io ar suit u , t h the e p s, ur le i ts ncludi i . e n d On s in m re high untc so n ofor calibration, system and he ions gentearartt get seq e primarintroduction day removes ich uremnacien s.a Ifnter th s well as amplificatio How able fornding ncen c g t ent e so ae h r o if io i n , th nly s c lution e env e direc r cleaning th e t of 0.13pg/g. Ea ch ual ns, whfo ten n t f e a t ir t con had a typical le ad e optimised oth er trace resid les wer n ly tu io ad rese nc ol ases as sodium which adrei tpion, many bacte f r nia o nre - ever, i area tration onh ly a ch tion o o this onmen analy the samp the ICP-SFMS cipal hose su c and ot monitoring lease e Ultr o n la is a of sm ara f AH cha ts sis parameters o f g dified with the cartridge, prin he ivity xt a lD v r m a a c cnin aci levelsN inA t hpeo fleyed water. Re sisrt small mol cul racellular iolet (UV) ra f aut ger b ost utoi ll teriz L-pro lleng an u bthe t solution of indium ignal at relatively high mnsureersi ztahatti oenxhaustion of the es a. nd ions which diation oindu acte zero nduc atio duc e is e inst a 1.0ng/g a n the maximum s n i t ag btai the two cartr idges e of the polishi ng interfere with Passing water th to be cer rial p due er of t ng st h acid so as to o n FMS was betwe e ected whilst m ost rough a beam o syn passes opula to diff The a he com rai e n s isolati ure nitric he ICP-S et re , oultrap n bility. Calibratio n of t upplied primary cartridge Iios nd s the f ry cartridge, so that breaks down org ultraviolet li thes a th tion usio naly po an a ponse and stas s s u re standard solutio n still remains in the seconda ghat e i re t n si n y deteriorating. T he a ff z . sa n cc it civ c te ompoun iv eactively ed, shol he c th of k ds d subs nd /g multi-elemen t pacit uality p e against a 100µg the same ultrap ure water as ca r q ossibility oTf thee rtrmeaoted w ate s y a mo t la eb cul red to 0.05µm b l ds res including bac ti es d t on in no ro qu as diluted with is no p rtridge iDs fNilte o suA c p ho f 185 aly n s nucleases and en o tethria and o bni of t ulting h c la d eo ich w ary ca m - h r ary m o doto er g e rece in at cau es ntrati y o er ch w ro n AH u L ced. nt rck, wh a e l s by Me water from the second irculated to the parismes requ xidises ca xins. A wen pt posi s mo r blanks. co-fa acntdo irs fthoern e rfefcect ire a magnesium ion r a t r n iquid c mato o r g is ofte was used f membrane micr ofilte M ired for use iv. e substrate bind (Mg 2+ in ) ize bd o nfr -a cog ntaining ma ve cr cell sleom s , npgotph or also ive fe e im n hro ra n e an olecu du m phy ch2+ requ rification cartrid ge unisti lthere l operation g. The conc tf fu e w s for subsequent t r le eo sr o ,e crsuuccess ntrati he y re mova beieglto c on as l idning ulatio induc edback cer appro atogra or hiu g ieved pure Water p u ra vital p p Ult aintainingP owlaytemr qua lity is ial er nitoring f oarf toerp teiamchization of l oo nf gp er wa by ion t n-wid es up- loop. riate hy (H h-per sing trapure water M d bya sres eisntivzityy mm’s ul firme eos are al olyme ve ra les ne ga tc ht i Uvi Vty3 activity of bact e r a exchange, ranscri edia B a reg As ch ref PL for ersity of Venic e is con tion and this ( a d 25iv so highly sen . rial e 4 nmc pti ct te on i) d vrisru ati ulatio e C mo Univ r his ale si n n ro o mato re g nce ) s in com ance iulio Cozzi is t he G in his attention to detail. Fo n us t c ulo at t tic io e ns (Cu2+, F t e2 i+ ve, N toi2+ o, ther brea nk zd yo mes, preventing i re a pts t p use t he si c f c w multa auses or ra an bi omm n p n of h d a at specialist, and h e is m factor o c n or o etc.), g- ao nr ic mol lFicoart eion. To maximhis p neou all o H f PLC, i r a c techn ds. Hdin o ion wi a ttio wn h a icn hd id ni ts er ru fp et re with co- uses a s fu u e b ll c s upe lec st ,r tu hm e PURELAB x iz h eUlt ar m ea Geple, nom sly. the ide rn e typi i c ques w , s ever h act ,iv e f sit strate bin pu UV lamp with an netitch e b ei non to tificat ally pa uch as oe. In r ad di nt h ion o ea , the p d ri r i te ng ys e n wc ie th o in the synthe f t ie cv v v qy u m are en tr t ul t za t s ra o i i e l l i e -high lumin maxio ev m ma n g on, suc red wi gas ch l AHLs e 2006 s (such as c aa cd em ai mum o e. escent ize ce netic h as th m runt r oma , /Jun t published in IET May ) wi sl l o in f l h uibit e c ll e eso nz iy fe ffi n mass es thods m s togra r pArticle fi e a c activ r i nit as ey. e e pro n c d cy. eu . pectro fm ore t sr ty r h u y lgal ca ed o cr t n uby u ral bw clea art er.com エルガの製品を使用したアプリケーション技術資料です(英語版)。 ご興味をお持ちの資料があればお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Organic-contaminant-free water for Ultra-trace Environmental Analysis by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Application Note 1 Spectrometry /Mass Spectrometry Application Note 2 The Frozen Diary – history unlocked with the help of ultrapure water Application Note 3 Ultrapure water enables excellent chromatographic performance for LC -MS analysis Application Note 4 Getting the best results from ultrapure water Application Note 5 Importance of pure water in modern ion chromatography Application Note 6 Type I ultrapure water essential for GC -MS analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds Application Note 7 Ultrapure water free from biologically active impurities suitable for PCR Application Note 8 Type I ultrapure water crucial for HPLC and UHPLC Application Note 9 Charged Aerosol Detection: application in purified water analysis Application Note 10 Purified water for mammalian and bacterial cell culture Application Note 1 1 ICP-OES depends on Type I ultrapure water for multi-element trace analysis Application Note 12 Enhanced electrophoresis performance with Type I ultrapure water Application Note 13 Ultrapure water essential for direct determination of bisphenol A by HPLC -MS/MS Enhanced performance and operation using freshly purified ultrapure water to directly feed automated Application Note 14 Metrohm ion chromatographs Application Note 15 Meeting the demands of ICP-MS with Type I ultrapure water Application Note 16 The importance of ultrapure water for characterizing bacterial signaling molecules by UHPLC-HRMS/MS ヴェオリア・ジェネッツ株式会社 エルガ・ラボウォーター事業部  〒 108-0022 東京都港区海岸 3-20-20 ヨコソーレインボータワー e-mail :jp.elga.all.groups@veolia.com http: / / www.elgalabwater.com