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Mobile automation Success through innovation


Our slogan is our mission. The pursuit of Perfec- tion in Automation has inspired and guided B&R for over 35 years. To us, perfection means more than developing the best solutions in automati- on. It also means developing the best relation- ships – with our customers and partners as well as our employees and suppliers.


ドキュメント名 Mobile automation Success through innovation
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 8.1Mb
取り扱い企業 B&R株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



Integrated automation Global presence Mobile Solid partnership automation B&R Mobile Automation Success through innovation The demands placed on commercial vehicles have your side, your mobile equipment will stand out with Our slogan is our mission. The pursuit of Perfec- market. Our role as the ABB Group‘s global cen- evolved dramatically over the years. With new func- best-in-class electronics and software. tion in Automation has inspired and guided B&R ter for machine and factory automation tions being added all the time and requirements for for over 35 years. To us, perfection means more strengthens our position of leadership and adds operating efficiency and quality higher than ever, Every aspect of the B&R automation system is desi- than developing the best solutions in automati- new momentum to our impressive record of sus- these vehicles need an automation system that is gned for modular, concurrent engineering. This on. It also means developing the best relation- tained growth. both powerful and scalable. gets your products to market faster and allows you ships – with our customers and partners as well to react flexibly to new requirements and special as our employees and suppliers. Exceptional partnership Our mobile automation portfolio gives you all the requests. Decoupled hardware and software make We walk shoulder-to-shoulder with our custo- tools you need to build and expand your competiti- it easy to switch out hardware components at any Keen foresight and entrepreneurial courage mers through every phase of a project – from ve edge as a technological leader in your market. time. With B&R on board, you‘ll be satisfying your helped us rise quickly into the ranks of top glo- concept to commissioning – and follow through With an innovation-driven technology partner at customers‘ requirements faster than ever. bal players in industrial automation. An intuitive with outstanding after-sales support. Our cus- sense of market dynamics and emerging trends tomers rely on our exceptional partnership and has established us as a pioneer, leading the innovative solutions, and we take great pride in way with the most innovative technology on the the trust we have earned. Mobile automation for Agriculture and forestry Construction Municipal vehicles Technology Leader Always near the customer Financial strength for long-term investments B&R B&R Straße 1 t +43 7748 6586-0 office@br-automation.com Your local contact Industrial Automation GmbH 5142 Eggelsberg, Austria f +43 7748 6586-26 www.br-automation.com www.br-automation.com/contact MM-FO-CO-MA-EN-03 © 03/2019 by B&R. All rights reserved worldwide.

Integrated automation Global presence Mobile Solid partnership automation B&R Mobile Automation Success through innovation The demands placed on commercial vehicles have your side, your mobile equipment will stand out with Our slogan is our mission. The pursuit of Perfec- market. Our role as the ABB Group‘s global cen- evolved dramatically over the years. With new func- best-in-class electronics and software. tion in Automation has inspired and guided B&R ter for machine and factory automation tions being added all the time and requirements for for over 35 years. To us, perfection means more strengthens our position of leadership and adds operating efficiency and quality higher than ever, Every aspect of the B&R automation system is desi- than developing the best solutions in automati- new momentum to our impressive record of sus- these vehicles need an automation system that is gned for modular, concurrent engineering. This on. It also means developing the best relation- tained growth. both powerful and scalable. gets your products to market faster and allows you ships – with our customers and partners as well to react flexibly to new requirements and special as our employees and suppliers. Exceptional partnership Our mobile automation portfolio gives you all the requests. Decoupled hardware and software make We walk shoulder-to-shoulder with our custo- tools you need to build and expand your competiti- it easy to switch out hardware components at any Keen foresight and entrepreneurial courage mers through every phase of a project – from ve edge as a technological leader in your market. time. With B&R on board, you‘ll be satisfying your helped us rise quickly into the ranks of top glo- concept to commissioning – and follow through With an innovation-driven technology partner at customers‘ requirements faster than ever. bal players in industrial automation. An intuitive with outstanding after-sales support. Our cus- sense of market dynamics and emerging trends tomers rely on our exceptional partnership and has established us as a pioneer, leading the innovative solutions, and we take great pride in way with the most innovative technology on the the trust we have earned. Mobile automation for Agriculture and forestry Construction Municipal vehicles Technology Leader Always near the customer Financial strength for long-term investments B&R B&R Straße 1 t +43 7748 6586-0 office@br-automation.com Your local contact Industrial Automation GmbH 5142 Eggelsberg, Austria f +43 7748 6586-26 www.br-automation.com www.br-automation.com/contact MM-FO-CO-MA-EN-03 © 03/2019 by B&R. All rights reserved worldwide.

Integrated automation Global presence Mobile Solid partnership automation B&R Mobile Automation Success through innovation The demands placed on commercial vehicles have your side, your mobile equipment will stand out with Our slogan is our mission. The pursuit of Perfec- market. Our role as the ABB Group‘s global cen- evolved dramatically over the years. With new func- best-in-class electronics and software. tion in Automation has inspired and guided B&R ter for machine and factory automation tions being added all the time and requirements for for over 35 years. To us, perfection means more strengthens our position of leadership and adds operating efficiency and quality higher than ever, Every aspect of the B&R automation system is desi- than developing the best solutions in automati- new momentum to our impressive record of sus- these vehicles need an automation system that is gned for modular, concurrent engineering. This on. It also means developing the best relation- tained growth. both powerful and scalable. gets your products to market faster and allows you ships – with our customers and partners as well to react flexibly to new requirements and special as our employees and suppliers. Exceptional partnership Our mobile automation portfolio gives you all the requests. Decoupled hardware and software make We walk shoulder-to-shoulder with our custo- tools you need to build and expand your competiti- it easy to switch out hardware components at any Keen foresight and entrepreneurial courage mers through every phase of a project – from ve edge as a technological leader in your market. time. With B&R on board, you‘ll be satisfying your helped us rise quickly into the ranks of top glo- concept to commissioning – and follow through With an innovation-driven technology partner at customers‘ requirements faster than ever. bal players in industrial automation. An intuitive with outstanding after-sales support. Our cus- sense of market dynamics and emerging trends tomers rely on our exceptional partnership and has established us as a pioneer, leading the innovative solutions, and we take great pride in way with the most innovative technology on the the trust we have earned. Mobile automation for Agriculture and forestry Construction Municipal vehicles Technology Leader Always near the customer Financial strength for long-term investments B&R B&R Straße 1 t +43 7748 6586-0 office@br-automation.com Your local contact Industrial Automation GmbH 5142 Eggelsberg, Austria f +43 7748 6586-26 www.br-automation.com www.br-automation.com/contact MM-FO-CO-MA-EN-03 © 03/2019 by B&R. All rights reserved worldwide.

Software makes all the difference Power Panel mobile X90 mobile Safety X90 mobile control system With B&R, all automation components – the con- The Power Panel T50 mobile is perfect for use on the processor as well as additional mechanical B&R offers its X90 control system with integrat- The control system meets the ISO 13849 mobile B&R continues to open up new possibilities in troller, HMI, drives and safety technology – are mobile equipment. It has an embedded browser stability to resist environmental conditions such ed safety technology. Intelligent safety func- machinery requirements up to PL d as well as the mobile automation with its innovative X90 product developed using a single platform. for displaying web-based HMI applications such as heat, cold, dirt, rain, shock and vibration. tions and extremely short response times are the ISO 25119 requirements up to AgPL d. All 48 of line for mastering mobile control and I/O tasks. as B&R’s mapp View. key to a whole new realm of possibilities for the the I/O channels on the X90 controller can be As a universal engineering tool, Automation Stu- safe operation of outdoor equipment and mobile used where appropriate for safe or non-safe The comprehensive set of standardized compo- < Flexible and modularly dio keeps the software development process effi- The panel has a die-cast aluminum housing with machinery. functions or combinations of the two. nents is perfect for implementing flexible auto- expandable cient and sustainable, despite increasingly com- IP67 protection. This provides passive cooling for mation concepts. The heart of the X90 system is < Powerful ARM processor plex applications. It is a guarantee for high quality, a controller with a powerful ARM processor and < Real-time bus system low engineering costs and short time to market. up to 48 multifunction I/O channels. Basic fea- tures include interfaces for CAN, USB, Ethernet and the real-time POWERLINK bus system. mapp Technology The ready-made software components of mapp alarm system or motion control sequence from Highlights Technology make it easier and faster to imple- the ground up, developers of machine software Comprehensive certification ment basic functionality, accelerating software simply configure the ready-made mapps with a < Remote I/O Future-proof safety solution development by an average of 67%. mapp compo- few clicks of the mouse. Complex algorithms be- < Connections for decentralized, safe I/Os nents – mapps for short – are as easy to use as a come easy to manage. Since the components are < To control remote sensors and actuators < CANopen interface smartphone app. Rather than write lines and lines maintained entirely by B&R, the resulting applica- on mobile equipment, B&R offers module < 32 multifunction inputs of code to build a user management system, tion software is also of higher quality. X90BC124.32-00. It can be connected to the X90 and outputs Web-based HMI with mapp View controller via CANopen and has 32 multifunction < Compact housing B&R’s mapp View HMI software is built on the inputs and outputs. Highlights Average development process globally accepted web standards HTML5, CSS3 Machine and JavaScript – ensuring optimal viewing on any < Suitable for use in harsh environments Basic functions Central safety software Safe communication process device. Multiple panels displaying different con- < Openness through web standards B&R provides a variety of TÜV-certified safety With openSAFETY, the bus-independent safety tent can be connected to the X90 controller over < Fast HMI design with mapp View functions. The task of safety programming itself protocol, the safe X90 system offers the option With mapp technology Ethernet. The web-based content can be viewed involves little more than simply configuring and of connecting decentralized safe I/Os or sensors. Machine just as easily on a tablet. linking the safe software blocks via ladder dia- The communication corresponds to SIL 3 and is process 67% faster gram. This reduces the complexity, workload and also secured using non-safe modems wirelessly time required for certification. via UDP. Time Option boards B&R offers a variety of option boards that flexi- < Adaptable controller on UDP, SIL3 bly adapt the X90 system to include functions < Unique control functions Simulation on many different levels SafeLOGIC CPU, like vibration-based condition monitoring, force < Extensive selection of modules SIL3 In the age of connected manufacturing, simulation al for achieving optimal utilization of development measurement using strain gauge modules, or has become an indispensable tool in the devel- resources and reducing commissioning times by ETHERNET electrically isolated relay outputs. This way, opment of automation technology. With seamless up to 80%. B&R offers seamlessly integrated simu- users can perfectly tailor the hardware to meet interaction between development tools, simulation lation options at all levels. their requirements without losing the advantag-SIL3 facilitates a high degree of flexibility and efficient es of a standard product. The range of available resource management. These qualities make it ide- functions is being expanded all the time. POWERLINK TM SAFE CAN SAFE ENCODER SAFE DO/PWM SAFE AI/DI CAN CAN ETHERNET SIL2 SIL2 SIL2 SIL2

Software makes all the difference Power Panel mobile X90 mobile Safety X90 mobile control system With B&R, all automation components – the con- The Power Panel T50 mobile is perfect for use on the processor as well as additional mechanical B&R offers its X90 control system with integrat- The control system meets the ISO 13849 mobile B&R continues to open up new possibilities in troller, HMI, drives and safety technology – are mobile equipment. It has an embedded browser stability to resist environmental conditions such ed safety technology. Intelligent safety func- machinery requirements up to PL d as well as the mobile automation with its innovative X90 product developed using a single platform. for displaying web-based HMI applications such as heat, cold, dirt, rain, shock and vibration. tions and extremely short response times are the ISO 25119 requirements up to AgPL d. All 48 of line for mastering mobile control and I/O tasks. as B&R’s mapp View. key to a whole new realm of possibilities for the the I/O channels on the X90 controller can be As a universal engineering tool, Automation Stu- safe operation of outdoor equipment and mobile used where appropriate for safe or non-safe The comprehensive set of standardized compo- < Flexible and modularly dio keeps the software development process effi- The panel has a die-cast aluminum housing with machinery. functions or combinations of the two. nents is perfect for implementing flexible auto- expandable cient and sustainable, despite increasingly com- IP67 protection. This provides passive cooling for mation concepts. The heart of the X90 system is < Powerful ARM processor plex applications. It is a guarantee for high quality, a controller with a powerful ARM processor and < Real-time bus system low engineering costs and short time to market. up to 48 multifunction I/O channels. Basic fea- tures include interfaces for CAN, USB, Ethernet and the real-time POWERLINK bus system. mapp Technology The ready-made software components of mapp alarm system or motion control sequence from Highlights Technology make it easier and faster to imple- the ground up, developers of machine software Comprehensive certification ment basic functionality, accelerating software simply configure the ready-made mapps with a < Remote I/O Future-proof safety solution development by an average of 67%. mapp compo- few clicks of the mouse. Complex algorithms be- < Connections for decentralized, safe I/Os nents – mapps for short – are as easy to use as a come easy to manage. Since the components are < To control remote sensors and actuators < CANopen interface smartphone app. Rather than write lines and lines maintained entirely by B&R, the resulting applica- on mobile equipment, B&R offers module < 32 multifunction inputs of code to build a user management system, tion software is also of higher quality. X90BC124.32-00. It can be connected to the X90 and outputs Web-based HMI with mapp View controller via CANopen and has 32 multifunction < Compact housing B&R’s mapp View HMI software is built on the inputs and outputs. Highlights Average development process globally accepted web standards HTML5, CSS3 Machine and JavaScript – ensuring optimal viewing on any < Suitable for use in harsh environments Basic functions Central safety software Safe communication process device. Multiple panels displaying different con- < Openness through web standards B&R provides a variety of TÜV-certified safety With openSAFETY, the bus-independent safety tent can be connected to the X90 controller over < Fast HMI design with mapp View functions. The task of safety programming itself protocol, the safe X90 system offers the option With mapp technology Ethernet. The web-based content can be viewed involves little more than simply configuring and of connecting decentralized safe I/Os or sensors. Machine just as easily on a tablet. linking the safe software blocks via ladder dia- The communication corresponds to SIL 3 and is process 67% faster gram. This reduces the complexity, workload and also secured using non-safe modems wirelessly time required for certification. via UDP. Time Option boards B&R offers a variety of option boards that flexi- < Adaptable controller on UDP, SIL3 bly adapt the X90 system to include functions < Unique control functions Simulation on many different levels SafeLOGIC CPU, like vibration-based condition monitoring, force < Extensive selection of modules SIL3 In the age of connected manufacturing, simulation al for achieving optimal utilization of development measurement using strain gauge modules, or has become an indispensable tool in the devel- resources and reducing commissioning times by ETHERNET electrically isolated relay outputs. This way, opment of automation technology. With seamless up to 80%. B&R offers seamlessly integrated simu- users can perfectly tailor the hardware to meet interaction between development tools, simulation lation options at all levels. their requirements without losing the advantag-SIL3 facilitates a high degree of flexibility and efficient es of a standard product. The range of available resource management. These qualities make it ide- functions is being expanded all the time. POWERLINK TM SAFE CAN SAFE ENCODER SAFE DO/PWM SAFE AI/DI CAN CAN ETHERNET SIL2 SIL2 SIL2 SIL2

Software makes all the difference Power Panel mobile X90 mobile Safety X90 mobile control system With B&R, all automation components – the con- The Power Panel T50 mobile is perfect for use on the processor as well as additional mechanical B&R offers its X90 control system with integrat- The control system meets the ISO 13849 mobile B&R continues to open up new possibilities in troller, HMI, drives and safety technology – are mobile equipment. It has an embedded browser stability to resist environmental conditions such ed safety technology. Intelligent safety func- machinery requirements up to PL d as well as the mobile automation with its innovative X90 product developed using a single platform. for displaying web-based HMI applications such as heat, cold, dirt, rain, shock and vibration. tions and extremely short response times are the ISO 25119 requirements up to AgPL d. All 48 of line for mastering mobile control and I/O tasks. as B&R’s mapp View. key to a whole new realm of possibilities for the the I/O channels on the X90 controller can be As a universal engineering tool, Automation Stu- safe operation of outdoor equipment and mobile used where appropriate for safe or non-safe The comprehensive set of standardized compo- < Flexible and modularly dio keeps the software development process effi- The panel has a die-cast aluminum housing with machinery. functions or combinations of the two. nents is perfect for implementing flexible auto- expandable cient and sustainable, despite increasingly com- IP67 protection. This provides passive cooling for mation concepts. The heart of the X90 system is < Powerful ARM processor plex applications. It is a guarantee for high quality, a controller with a powerful ARM processor and < Real-time bus system low engineering costs and short time to market. up to 48 multifunction I/O channels. Basic fea- tures include interfaces for CAN, USB, Ethernet and the real-time POWERLINK bus system. mapp Technology The ready-made software components of mapp alarm system or motion control sequence from Highlights Technology make it easier and faster to imple- the ground up, developers of machine software Comprehensive certification ment basic functionality, accelerating software simply configure the ready-made mapps with a < Remote I/O Future-proof safety solution development by an average of 67%. mapp compo- few clicks of the mouse. Complex algorithms be- < Connections for decentralized, safe I/Os nents – mapps for short – are as easy to use as a come easy to manage. Since the components are < To control remote sensors and actuators < CANopen interface smartphone app. Rather than write lines and lines maintained entirely by B&R, the resulting applica- on mobile equipment, B&R offers module < 32 multifunction inputs of code to build a user management system, tion software is also of higher quality. X90BC124.32-00. It can be connected to the X90 and outputs Web-based HMI with mapp View controller via CANopen and has 32 multifunction < Compact housing B&R’s mapp View HMI software is built on the inputs and outputs. Highlights Average development process globally accepted web standards HTML5, CSS3 Machine and JavaScript – ensuring optimal viewing on any < Suitable for use in harsh environments Basic functions Central safety software Safe communication process device. Multiple panels displaying different con- < Openness through web standards B&R provides a variety of TÜV-certified safety With openSAFETY, the bus-independent safety tent can be connected to the X90 controller over < Fast HMI design with mapp View functions. The task of safety programming itself protocol, the safe X90 system offers the option With mapp technology Ethernet. The web-based content can be viewed involves little more than simply configuring and of connecting decentralized safe I/Os or sensors. Machine just as easily on a tablet. linking the safe software blocks via ladder dia- The communication corresponds to SIL 3 and is process 67% faster gram. This reduces the complexity, workload and also secured using non-safe modems wirelessly time required for certification. via UDP. Time Option boards B&R offers a variety of option boards that flexi- < Adaptable controller on UDP, SIL3 bly adapt the X90 system to include functions < Unique control functions Simulation on many different levels SafeLOGIC CPU, like vibration-based condition monitoring, force < Extensive selection of modules SIL3 In the age of connected manufacturing, simulation al for achieving optimal utilization of development measurement using strain gauge modules, or has become an indispensable tool in the devel- resources and reducing commissioning times by ETHERNET electrically isolated relay outputs. This way, opment of automation technology. With seamless up to 80%. B&R offers seamlessly integrated simu- users can perfectly tailor the hardware to meet interaction between development tools, simulation lation options at all levels. their requirements without losing the advantag-SIL3 facilitates a high degree of flexibility and efficient es of a standard product. The range of available resource management. These qualities make it ide- functions is being expanded all the time. POWERLINK TM SAFE CAN SAFE ENCODER SAFE DO/PWM SAFE AI/DI CAN CAN ETHERNET SIL2 SIL2 SIL2 SIL2

Software makes all the difference Power Panel mobile X90 mobile Safety X90 mobile control system With B&R, all automation components – the con- The Power Panel T50 mobile is perfect for use on the processor as well as additional mechanical B&R offers its X90 control system with integrat- The control system meets the ISO 13849 mobile B&R continues to open up new possibilities in troller, HMI, drives and safety technology – are mobile equipment. It has an embedded browser stability to resist environmental conditions such ed safety technology. Intelligent safety func- machinery requirements up to PL d as well as the mobile automation with its innovative X90 product developed using a single platform. for displaying web-based HMI applications such as heat, cold, dirt, rain, shock and vibration. tions and extremely short response times are the ISO 25119 requirements up to AgPL d. All 48 of line for mastering mobile control and I/O tasks. as B&R’s mapp View. key to a whole new realm of possibilities for the the I/O channels on the X90 controller can be As a universal engineering tool, Automation Stu- safe operation of outdoor equipment and mobile used where appropriate for safe or non-safe The comprehensive set of standardized compo- < Flexible and modularly dio keeps the software development process effi- The panel has a die-cast aluminum housing with machinery. functions or combinations of the two. nents is perfect for implementing flexible auto- expandable cient and sustainable, despite increasingly com- IP67 protection. This provides passive cooling for mation concepts. The heart of the X90 system is < Powerful ARM processor plex applications. It is a guarantee for high quality, a controller with a powerful ARM processor and < Real-time bus system low engineering costs and short time to market. up to 48 multifunction I/O channels. Basic fea- tures include interfaces for CAN, USB, Ethernet and the real-time POWERLINK bus system. mapp Technology The ready-made software components of mapp alarm system or motion control sequence from Highlights Technology make it easier and faster to imple- the ground up, developers of machine software Comprehensive certification ment basic functionality, accelerating software simply configure the ready-made mapps with a < Remote I/O Future-proof safety solution development by an average of 67%. mapp compo- few clicks of the mouse. Complex algorithms be- < Connections for decentralized, safe I/Os nents – mapps for short – are as easy to use as a come easy to manage. Since the components are < To control remote sensors and actuators < CANopen interface smartphone app. Rather than write lines and lines maintained entirely by B&R, the resulting applica- on mobile equipment, B&R offers module < 32 multifunction inputs of code to build a user management system, tion software is also of higher quality. X90BC124.32-00. It can be connected to the X90 and outputs Web-based HMI with mapp View controller via CANopen and has 32 multifunction < Compact housing B&R’s mapp View HMI software is built on the inputs and outputs. Highlights Average development process globally accepted web standards HTML5, CSS3 Machine and JavaScript – ensuring optimal viewing on any < Suitable for use in harsh environments Basic functions Central safety software Safe communication process device. Multiple panels displaying different con- < Openness through web standards B&R provides a variety of TÜV-certified safety With openSAFETY, the bus-independent safety tent can be connected to the X90 controller over < Fast HMI design with mapp View functions. The task of safety programming itself protocol, the safe X90 system offers the option With mapp technology Ethernet. The web-based content can be viewed involves little more than simply configuring and of connecting decentralized safe I/Os or sensors. Machine just as easily on a tablet. linking the safe software blocks via ladder dia- The communication corresponds to SIL 3 and is process 67% faster gram. This reduces the complexity, workload and also secured using non-safe modems wirelessly time required for certification. via UDP. Time Option boards B&R offers a variety of option boards that flexi- < Adaptable controller on UDP, SIL3 bly adapt the X90 system to include functions < Unique control functions Simulation on many different levels SafeLOGIC CPU, like vibration-based condition monitoring, force < Extensive selection of modules SIL3 In the age of connected manufacturing, simulation al for achieving optimal utilization of development measurement using strain gauge modules, or has become an indispensable tool in the devel- resources and reducing commissioning times by ETHERNET electrically isolated relay outputs. This way, opment of automation technology. With seamless up to 80%. B&R offers seamlessly integrated simu- users can perfectly tailor the hardware to meet interaction between development tools, simulation lation options at all levels. their requirements without losing the advantag-SIL3 facilitates a high degree of flexibility and efficient es of a standard product. The range of available resource management. These qualities make it ide- functions is being expanded all the time. POWERLINK TM SAFE CAN SAFE ENCODER SAFE DO/PWM SAFE AI/DI CAN CAN ETHERNET SIL2 SIL2 SIL2 SIL2

Integrated automation Global presence Mobile Solid partnership automation B&R Mobile Automation Success through innovation The demands placed on commercial vehicles have your side, your mobile equipment will stand out with Our slogan is our mission. The pursuit of Perfec- market. Our role as the ABB Group‘s global cen- evolved dramatically over the years. With new func- best-in-class electronics and software. tion in Automation has inspired and guided B&R ter for machine and factory automation tions being added all the time and requirements for for over 35 years. To us, perfection means more strengthens our position of leadership and adds operating efficiency and quality higher than ever, Every aspect of the B&R automation system is desi- than developing the best solutions in automati- new momentum to our impressive record of sus- these vehicles need an automation system that is gned for modular, concurrent engineering. This on. It also means developing the best relation- tained growth. both powerful and scalable. gets your products to market faster and allows you ships – with our customers and partners as well to react flexibly to new requirements and special as our employees and suppliers. Exceptional partnership Our mobile automation portfolio gives you all the requests. Decoupled hardware and software make We walk shoulder-to-shoulder with our custo- tools you need to build and expand your competiti- it easy to switch out hardware components at any Keen foresight and entrepreneurial courage mers through every phase of a project – from ve edge as a technological leader in your market. time. With B&R on board, you‘ll be satisfying your helped us rise quickly into the ranks of top glo- concept to commissioning – and follow through With an innovation-driven technology partner at customers‘ requirements faster than ever. bal players in industrial automation. An intuitive with outstanding after-sales support. Our cus- sense of market dynamics and emerging trends tomers rely on our exceptional partnership and has established us as a pioneer, leading the innovative solutions, and we take great pride in way with the most innovative technology on the the trust we have earned. Mobile automation for Agriculture and forestry Construction Municipal vehicles Technology Leader Always near the customer Financial strength for long-term investments B&R B&R Straße 1 t +43 7748 6586-0 office@br-automation.com Your local contact Industrial Automation GmbH 5142 Eggelsberg, Austria f +43 7748 6586-26 www.br-automation.com www.br-automation.com/contact MM-FO-CO-MA-EN-03 © 03/2019 by B&R. All rights reserved worldwide.