


Motion control, CNC & robotics Smart. Small. Safe.



ドキュメント名 Motion control, CNC & robotics Smart. Small. Safe.
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 12.3Mb
取り扱い企業 B&R株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



Motion control, CNC & robotics Smart. Small. Safe.

Motion is our passion

Contents Your bonus package 6 3-axis servo drive - ACOPOS P3 8 Multi-axis servo drive - ACOPOSmulti 12 Frequency inverter - ACOPOSinverter 16 Compact motion control - ACOPOSmicro & X20 18 Distributed motion control - ACOPOSmotor & ACOPOSremote 20 The safest path to more productivity - SafeMOTION & SafeROBOTICS 22 Software functions for increased efficiency 24 Realistic drive simulation - Virtual motion 28 Fully integrated for maximum performance - CNC & Robotics 30 67% faster development with mapp technology 34 Perfectly sized with SERVOsoft 37 The right drive for every application - B&R servo motors 38 A perfect fit for perfect transmission - B&R gearboxes 42 Optimize your system 46 POWERLINK -the standard for real-time Ethernet 47

04 Smart Intelligent motion control for superior performance. Small Enormous power density for compact machines. Solid Uncompromising quality for unimpeded operation. Simple Effortless programming with mapp technology. Safe Integrated safety for maximum productivity.

05 Smart. Small. Safe.

06 Your bonus package The incredible effort that B&R invests in perfect- tions make it easy to fine-tune your solution to ing its integrated automation technology is in- the needs of your application. B&R products are spired by an unwavering commitment to making fully interchangeable, making it remarkably easy manufacturing systems smarter and easier to use. to design and program machine variants. It therefore comes as no surprise that B&R's mo- Safe tion control solutions fit so harmoniously into its B&R's advanced motion control solutions also overall system landscape. This holistic approach make it easy to integrate sophisticated safety to motion software is embodied in Generic Motion functions. The result is a machine that is not only Control, which unites single-axis positioning, faster to develop, but that also requires less electronic cams, gearing functions, CNC and ro- downtime for changeovers and maintenance, botics on a common platform. Round that off with boosting productivity substantially. network-based safety and ultrafast response times, and it's time to start rethinking what you High-performance thought was possible for your machine. With a sampling rate of 50 µs, B&R's servo drives pack enough reserves to handle even the most Scalable demanding multi-axis applications. They also Servo drives, motors and gearboxes with seam- make it possible reap the full benefits of virtual lessly scalable performance and a host of op- sensing technology. Motion control, CNC & robotics

07 Faster to market Creating software with mapp components and gienic motors) and IP65 (gearboxes and distrib- PLCopen function blocks is fast and easy, al- uted servo drives). lowing you to take advantage of B&R's ad- vanced motion control functionality without in- Smart depth specialist knowledge. Using pre- A broad spectrum of software functions open programmed and thoroughly tested software up new design possibilities for motion control blocks and technology functions significantly based on virtual sensing or predictive lag com- lowers investment risk and gives machine pensation. Of course, comprehensive simula- builders the freedom to focus on what they do tion options are available to test the entire sys- best. tem in advance. Robotics and CNC included Robotics and CNC are fully integrated in B&R's motion control environment. Machinery and The advantages equipment benefit from improved efficiency. Established CNC and robotics languages are < Safe supported. < Compact < Solid Solid < Fast B&R products meet the highest demands with < Easy to use regard to robust design, reliable operation and < Comprehensive functions long-term availability. Drive components are < Scalable from 50 W – 120 kW available with the protection ratings IP69K (hy- Smart. Small. Safe.

08 3-axis servo drive ACOPOS P3 With the ACOPOS P3, B&R is setting new stan- dards for motion control. This 3-axis servo drive offers a power density of 5 amps per liter, mak- ing it one of the most efficient servo drives with integrated safety functions on the market. It also tops the charts with regard to dynamics and precision with an impressive 50 µs sampling time for the entire controller cascade. The ACOPOS P3 is offered as a 1-, 2- or 3-axis drive and covers a power spectrum ranging from 0.6 to 24 kW, or 1.2 to 48 amps. With a housing as compact as a conventional 1-axis drive, the 3-axis drive reduces cabinet space requirements by 69%. A new dimension in virtual sensing With a short cycle time of 50 µs for current, speed and position control, the ACOPOS P3 opens up new opportunities for advanced mo- tion control. For highly dynamic and precise processes like those in the printing and pack- aging industries, extremely fast movements must be controlled with absolute precision. With the short cycle times of the ACOPOS P3 and more elastic. Virtual sensing makes it possible the bandwidth and precision of the POWERLINK to control these elastic systems while retaining real-time Ethernet network, this is no problem. a high level of quality without having to use ad- ditional position sensors at the process inter- Increased productivity vention point. To strike a balance between increased produc- tivity and decreased energy consumption, ma- Encoderless control chine manufacturers are shifting to lightweight The ability to use virtual position encoders construction. This reduces the masses being eliminates the need for a position encoder, ca- moved – and thus the moment of inertia – in ble and evaluation unit in the servo drive while addition to making the machines less rigid and increasing availability at the same time. Motion control, CNC & robotics

09 Safely Limited Torque T SLT T SLT 0 t Maximum safety Thanks to machinery directives in the EU and similar legal regulations in other parts of the world, the safety functions used in automation components are becoming increasingly import- ant. The ACOPOS P3 provides a whole range of other automation components, it is possible to safety functions that satisfy SIL 3 / PL e / Cat 4 implement an extremely lean automation solu- requirements. The new Safely Limited Torque tion. A Power Panel (operator panel and control- (SLT) function, for example, monitors a defined ler), ACOPOS P3 and X20 I/O modules are all that torque threshold for violations. is needed for a complete solution with plenty of power. Since every aspect of the system is fully Lean automation with Scalability+ modular and scalable, there is no limit to the The compact design of the ACOPOS P3 is not the potential for upgrades and expansions – and only way it helps reduce space requirements of existing software is guaranteed to be reused an automation solution. Together with B&R's with maximum efficiency. Smart. Small. Safe.

10 One ACOPOS P3 does the work of up to three conventional single-axis servo drives. Safety included Even the most basic automation system can be advantage of the power regeneration capabili- equipped with a full-fledged safety solution. The ties of the ACOPOSmulti. Instead of being con- SafeLOGIC-X virtual safety controller runs on an verted to heat by braking resistors, braking en- ordinary PLC – giving B&R customers the reliabili- ergy from the ACOPOS P3 is passed on to an ty they have come to expect without requiring a ACOPOSmulti via the DC bus, which feeds it back dedicated safety controller. into the power grid. Completely compatible International The ACOPOS P3 can be combined with any of the The ACOPOS P3 supports the world‘s most com- drives in the ACOPOSmulti family. Additional space mon power mains configurations, including TN, can be saved in the control cabinet, for example, TT, IT and corner grounded TN-S systems. In by using the motor-mounted A COPOSmotor or the some circumstances, only an additional line fil- machine-mounted ACOPOSremote. ter is needed to meet the necessary regula- tions. In addition, the ACOPOS P3 satisfies the No energy left behind machinery and equipment manufacturing re- When using an ACOPOS P3 together with an quirements set forth in EN 55011, CISPR 11 and A COPOSmulti drive, it is also possible to take EN 61800-3 (first environment, category C2). Motion control, CNC & robotics

11 Highlights < 69% smaller footprint < 50 µs sampling time < Virtual sensors < Use anywhere in the world Smart. Small. Safe.

12 Motion control, CNC & robotics

13 Multi-axis servo drive ACOPOSmulti The modular ACOPOSmulti family of drives offers ideal solutions for multi-axis applications with maximum flexibility and minimum investment risk. Energy recovery, a variety of cooling sys- tems and integrated safety technology are just some of the features that make A COPOSmulti drives some of the most advanced, versatile and efficient on the market. Compact, scalable performance Getting the most out of the limited space of production halls requires smaller machines, which in turn calls for high-performance drive technology with compact dimensions. This is why the A COPOSmulti was developed with max- imum performance and minimum space re- quirements in mind. This advanced system is able to handle an extensive range of applica- tions, including those involving sensor-free induction motors, permanent magnet torque or linear servo motors and ultra-dynamic iron- less linear motors. Modular cooling design ACOPOSmulti devices offer three cooling op- tions: conventional heat dissipation in the control cabinet, an IP65-rated feed-through cooler or a cold plate variant that can be con- nected to a water or oil cooling circuit. This grants the designer maximum freedom and frequently eliminates the need for fans or air conditioning in the cabinet. Smart. Small. Safe.

14 With their large selection of interface options, devices from the ACOPOSmulti series can be adapted perfectly for any application. Innovative power supply ACOPOSmulti is able to retain this data until Conventional drive systems convert only around the machine has come safely to a stop. half of the applied power from the mains into mechanical power. The A COPOSmulti drive sys- Manage machine variants with ease tem is different. The integrated power factor An ACOPOSmulti mounting plate serves as the correction ensures that only effective power is common platform for all machine variants, drawn from the mains. This cuts the connected while the overall complexity of the machine load and current consumption of the machine determines exactly which devices are used. almost in half and makes it possible to use The software automatically recognizes the smaller fuses and wire gauges. system configuration and provides all the necessary functionality. Energy efficiency through regenerative braking All power supply modules support regenerative Quick wiring, from 0.5 to 120 kW braking. Instead of being converted to heat as is Whereas industrial control cabinets stream- generally the case, kinetic braking energy is line production cycles, pre-wired cable trees converted to electrical energy and fed back into make it much faster and easier to set things the mains. The DC bus voltage remains constant up directly at the machine. The sophisticated regardless of the mains supply voltage, which wiring and mounting technology of the ensures maximum utilization of inverter modules ACOPOSmulti drive system means that the en- and motors anywhere in the world. tire control cabinet can be wired in advance. Installation is reduced to simply hanging Safe handling of power failures ACOPOSmulti drive components in the control Electronic cam profile data is normally lost in cabinet and connecting them to the pre-wired the event of a power failure. Thanks to the cable trees. Put simply, ACOPOSmulti drasti- integrated 24-volt auxiliary supply module, cally reduces the amount of manual wiring. Motion control, CNC & robotics

15 Highlights < Energy regeneration < Scalable from 1.4 to 120 kW < Modular cooling design < Integrated safety technology Devices from the ACOPOSmulti family support various types of cooling, including via cold plate. Smart. Small. Safe.

16 Frequency inverter ACOPOSinverter B&R's frequency inverter, the ACOPOSinverter, ACOPOSinverter P74 covers a power range from 180 W to 75 kW. With The ACOPOSinverter P74 includes a selection of an installation width of only 45 mm (up to 1.5 kW) drive profiles for three-phase induction motors or 60 mm (up to 4 kW), the ACOPOSinverter P74 and synchronous motors with a voltage supply holds huge potential for space savings in the from 200 to 500 V and a power rating from 0.18 to control cabinet. ACOPOSinverter modules are per- 15 kW. The combination of an ACOPOSinverter fectly at home on conveyor belts, palletizers, P74 and an encoderless synchronous motor is packaging machines, industrial washers, milling very compact, contributing significantly to the machines, mixers, textile machines, pumps, fans, reduction of the machine's overall size and cost. compressors and more. ACOPOSinverter P84 Integrated safety The ACOPOSinverter P84 is a frequency inverter All B&R frequency inverters feature the integrated for three-phase induction motors with a voltage Safe Torque Off (STO) safety function, while the supply from 200 to 480 V and a power rating from ACOPOSinverter P74 additionally offers Safely Lim- 0.37 to 75 kW. Because of its wide performance ited Speed (SLS) and Safe Stop 1 (SS1). Depending range and many integrated functions, the ACO- on the configuration and wiring, these safety POSinverter P84 can fulfill the most challenging functions satisfy the requirements of IEC/EN requirements of complex machines. 61508-1 SIL 2/3 and ISO 13849-1 PL d/e. Simple commissioning B&R's universal engineering environment, Auto- Highlights mation Studio, is used to both configure the fre- quency inverters and to perform diagnostics – < Power classes from 180W to 75kW even if they are not receiving any power. Since all < Seamlessly integrated into the parameters are saved and transferred, the invert- automation system ers can be commissioned without any specialist < Automatic parameter download knowledge. < Integrated safety functions Motion control, CNC & robotics

17 Smart. Small. Safe.

18 Compact motion control ACOPOSmicro, X20 and X67 Compact ACOPOSmicro drives are available as p ermitted. All ACOPOSmicro drives feature over- conventional servo drives or specialized for current and overtemperature protection. Ap- controlling stepper motors with 256 microsteps. propriate warnings and error messages are Stepper motor drives are also available in the output via the fieldbus. form factors of the X20 (IP20) and X67 (IP67) se- ries of I/O modules. Variable nominal voltage ranges To achieve high torque values at high speeds, Even here at the economy end of the spectrum, ACOPOSmicro drives can be used up to a nomi- users have access to the full range of ACOPOS nal voltage of 80 VDC. Surge withstand capabil- functionality. This is made possible by the ity is provided up to 95 VDC. Nevertheless, Smart Device Controller (SDC), which provides ACOPOSmicro drives can also be utilized in the the servo drive functionality on the controller. It low voltage range with nearly no limitations – gives compact drives access to electronic even as low as 18 VDC. gears, cam profiles and advanced technologies such as the Cam Profile Automat. The Smart De- Integrated I/O vice Controller is also able to provide these In addition to trigger inputs, the ACOPOSmicro functions for frequency inverters and 3rd-party also includes a 24 VDC output. This can be servo drives. used to control external brakes, for example. With countless other options available, the Footprint smaller than 50 cm² ACOPOSmicro can be adapted to any require- The 2-channel variant of the ACOPOSmicro re- ment. All commonly used encoder systems quires an area of less than 50 cm² per axis. This are supported. not only saves space in the control cabinet for applications with multiple axes, but also pro- vides advantages in wiring since the bus and supply voltage connection is only needed for Highlights every second motor. < Access to all ACOPOS functions Up to 15 A < Maximum space savings A continuous current of 10 A and a peak current < Seamless integration of PLCopen of 15 A are possible for each stepper motor. < Stepper motor modules in I/O format This is sufficient to run even the largest step- (IP20 or IP67) per motors. For servo motors, a continuous cur- < Integration of drives via analog interfaces rent of 8 A and a peak current of 15 A are Motion control, CNC & robotics

19 Variants of the compact ACOPOSmicro drive are available for either servo motors or stepper motors. Smart. Small. Safe.

20 Distributed motion control ACOPOSmotor & ACOPOSremote If you take the modularity of the ACOPOSmulti series that has been optimized for this applica- drive system to the next level, what you get are tion. Available in three different sizes, these ser- inverters that fuse with the motor and deliver vo actuators cover a torque range of 2.4 to 12 Nm their power as a servo actuator right where it is and a power range of 500 W to 4 kW. For applica- needed. This opens up a whole new world of pos- tions that demand even more power, an optional sibilities for modular machine design. Delivery fan assembly can be added for a performance time, footprint and commissioning effort can all boost of up to 100%. be reduced. With ACOPOSmotor, B&R frees up cabinet space by Highlights – ACOPOSmotor fusing the motor and inverter into a single unit. Even more space can be saved by adding an op- < Servo actuator available in three sizes tional gearbox. The entire unit has IP65 protection. ranging from 2.4 Nm to 12 Nm < With or without gearbox Maximum performance < 100% compatible with ACOPOSmulti The ACOPOSmotor delivers maximum perfor- < Reduced wiring mance by using the state-of-the-art power de- < Integrated safety technology vices with minimal power loss as well as a motor Motion control, CNC & robotics