カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙 カタログの表紙



unichains(ユニチェイン)社製 モジュラーベルト式シャワーコンベヤ







ドキュメント名 unichains(ユニチェイン)社製 モジュラーベルト式シャワーコンベヤ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 659.5Kb
取り扱い企業 Uni TKS株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)



スチールスラットだと錆びるし・・・ 特 長 導入メリット ① モジュラーベルトは、硬質樹脂でつく ① サビ対策の、給油やチェンローラの られたベルトなので錆びません。 交換、美観維持の塗装もなくなっ た! ② ベルトピッチが小さいので、コンベヤ の低床化やピットレス化が可能です。 ② コンベヤ以外のコストが安くすん 埋設コンベヤの場合はピットが浅く だ! また工場レイアウトの変更も できます。 容易! ③ ベルト表面には、安全や衛生面を考 ③ スリップによる転倒事故が減った! 慮し、滑り止め加工や、水抜き穴を さらに足元も濡れず衛生的、作業性 用意。 UP!

スラットコンベヤ モジュラーベルトコンベヤ 低床化・ピットレス化 × ○ 長い搬送距離 ○ ○ 張 力 ○ △ 作業環境 △ ○ メンテナンス性 × ○ 寿 命 × ○ 美 観 × ○ 【 用 途 】 【 導入実績 】 ■ 完成車リークテストライン ● 自動車産業 ■ 完成車検査ライン ● 建設機械産業 ■ 自動車 洗車ライン ● 遊戯機械産業 ■ 建設機械用キャノピーリークテ ストライン ■ 遊戯ボート搬送ライン 【 unichains社製 シャワーコンベヤ用モジュラーベルトシリーズ 】 シリーズ名: uni ACB ・ uni CSB ・ uni XLB ベルトの選定及び、コンベヤの設計相談などもお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Uni TKS株式会社(ユニテックス) お問い合わせ 〒460-0002 愛知県名古屋市中区丸の内1-5-21玉泉ビル4階南 TEL : 052-209-2232 FAX : 052-231-1102 E-MAIL : info@unitks.co.jp

Datasheet: uni CSB 8% Rough EN Plastic Modular Belt Series uni CSB Type 8 % Rough Straight running belt S Nominal pitch: 50.8 mm (2.00 in) Surface type: Rough (R11) P Surface opening: 8% Backflex radius: 100 mm (3.94 in) Pin diameter: 8.0 mm (0.31 in) ecti on T ir ing d L n Run Belt material mm in mm in & color POM NL K POX-FR EG P (Nominal) 50.8 2.00 T 24.0 0.94 Pin and lock PA6.6 N PBT LG material & color PP O PP O L 13.2 0.52 S 1.0 0.04 Non standard material and color: See uni Material and Color Overview. Safety edges with orange or yello edge links mounted on alternating pitches along both belt edges are optional. Alternative pin and lock systems and materials: Contact Customer Service. Permissible tensile force ***Belt weight Number of wear (Belt/pin material) (Belt/pin material) Min No strips (min no)Belt width POM NL/PA66 POM NL/SS drive sprock- POM NL/PA66 et per shaft **POX-FR/PBT POX-FR/SS Carry **Return (pcs) (pcs) mm in N lbf N lbf Kg/m Ib/ft 153 6.0 13725 3085 15250 3428 2.9 1.92 2 2 2 305 12.0 27450 6171 30500 6856 5.7 3.83 3 3 2 458 18.0 41177 9257 45753 10285 8.6 5.75 4 4 2 610 24.0 54905 12343 61005 13714 11.4 7.67 5 5 3 763 30.0 68632 15429 76258 17143 14.3 9.58 6 6 3 915 36.0 82360 18514 91511 20572 17.1 11.50 7 7 4 1068 42.0 96087 21600 106764 24000 20.0 13.42 8 8 4 1220 48.0 109815 24686 122016 27429 22.8 15.33 9 9 5 1373 54.0 123542 27772 137269 30858 25.7 17.25 10 10 5 1525 60.0 137269 30858 152522 34287 28.5 19.17 11 11 6 1678 66.1 150997 33944 167774 37716 31.4 21.08 12 12 6 1830 72.1 164724 37030 183027 41144 34.2 23.00 13 13 7 Additional standard belt widths are available in steps of 152.5 mm (6.00 in.) Additional non-standard belt widths are available in steps of 25.4 mm (1.00 in) 2898 114.1 260820 58632 289800 65147 54.2 36.42 20 20 10 Additional standard belt widths are available in steps of 152.5 mm (6.00 in.) Additional non-standard belt widths are available in steps of 25.4 mm (1.00 in) 3965 156.1 356850 80220 396500 89133 74.1 49.83 27 27 14 General belt tolerance is +0/-0.4% at 23°C/73°F and 50% RH. For exact belt width contact Customer Service. Non standard belt width on request. The belt width in POX FR is 1.0 % wider than the belt width in the table *Max. Load per Drive Sprocket. Belt material: NL 6000 N (1349 lbf). PP 4000 N (899 lbf). POX FR 6000 N (1349 lbf) **Max. Spacing between wear strips. Carry: 152.0 mm (6.00 in); Return: 304.0 mm (12.00 in) ***The weight of the belt with SS pins is 6.7 kg/m² (0.42 lb/ft²) higher than with PA66 pins ***The weight in POX FR is approximately 12 % lower than the weight of NL = Single Link PITCH 50.8 MM/2.00 IN STRAIGHT RUNNING STANDARD

Datasheet: uni CSB 8% Rough Accessories NON STANDARD – Rubber Top A B Recommended Recommended belt A B Link Width Type rubber material material & color mm in mm in size& color mm in Flat Rib PP DG 03 K 300.0 11.81 4.5 0.18 K1200 304.8 12.00 Backflex radius when flights are used: 200 mm (7.87 in). Accessories Top/Bottom Insert Photo shows bottom of the belt + = Insert Weight Type material & color kg/m2 lb/ft2 Wheel Plate POM DK O 4.7 0.97 Contact area/wear surface of belt will incease from 24% to 47% by the use of inserts. Accessories Top/Bottom Insert EC insert in uni CSB 8% Rough type can be build in to uni CSB C to create an electrical conductive belt. = EC Grip surface located above the belt surface to ensure electrical discharge + = Insert Weight Type material & color kg/m2 lb/ft2 Electrical Conductive POX-FREC K 5.3 1.09 Contact area/wear surface of belt will incease from 24% to 47% by the use of inserts. POX-FREC holds a surface resistivity of 1x103 Ohm according to IEC 60093/ASTM D257.

Datasheet: uni CSB 8% Rough Accessories Flight A B H Flight A B H Width Type Link size material & color mm in mm in mm in mm in Car Pusher POM NL O 20.0 0.79 31.0 1.22 35.0 1.38 K600 152.4 6.00 Backflex radius when flights are used: 200 mm (7.87 in). Accessories Flight A B H Flight A B H Width Type Link size material & color mm in mm in mm in mm in Curved Flight POM NL Y 89.0 3.50 31.5 1.24 12.5 0.49 K600 152.4 6.00 Accessories Side Guard A H Flight A H Width Type Link size material & color mm in mm in mm in Side Guard POM NL O 23.0 0.91 40.0 1.57 K600 152.4 6.00 Backflex radius when side guards are used: 115 mm (4.53 in).

Datasheet: uni CSB 8% Rough Sprocket Bore size mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in Z12 x 197.3 7.77 197.0 7.76 150.0 5.91 82.0 3.23 109.4 4.31 x x Z16 x 263 10.35 261.4 10.29 200.0 7.87 115.0 4.53 141.5 5.57 x x x *A-dimension for automotive applications use A = (B-23.0 mm/0.91 in). Non standard material and color: See uni Material and Color Molded sprocket Machined sprocket Overview. B A Other sprocket sizes are available upon request. Two-part sprockets are available upon request. Round bores are always delivered with keyway. Other bore sizes are available upon request. uni Retainer Rings: See uni Retainer Ring data sheet Width of single tooth = 10.0 mm (0.39 in) Width of sprocket = 50.0 mm (1.98 in) Max load per sprocket shown does not take bore size into account. Please also ensure that sufficient size shaft is chosen for corresponding load. For correct sprocket position: See uni Assembly Instructions for uni CSB. For more detailed sprocket information, contact Customer Service. Expert advice, quality solutions Ammeraal Beltech Modular A/S and local service Hjulmagervej 21 for all your belting needs DK-7100 Vejle www.ammeraalbeltech.com T +45 7572 3100 This information is subject to alteration due to continuous development. Ammeraal Beltech will not be held liable for the incorrect F +45 7572 3348 use of the above stated information. This information replaces previous information. All activities performed and services rendered by admin@unichains.com Ammeraal Beltech are subject to general terms and conditions of sale and delivery, as applied by its operating companies. www.unichains.com No of teeth Pilot bore Conveyor Belts mm in 40.0 1.57 Seamless Belts 60.0 2.36 63.5 2.50 90.0 3.54 Modular Belts 120.0 3.54 Overall Timing Belts diameter Pitch- Transmission Belts diameter Hub- Fabrication & service diameter *A-dimen- sion B-dimen- sion Single row/Two way Double row/Two way Molded PA6 LG Machined PA6 N uni CSB 8% Rough/170608