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ACC Series Precision Column Type Surface Grinding Machines The ACC Series is available with three control options to meet specific grinding applications. Choose from Automatic, MDI Control (Manual Data Input) or full 2-axis simultaneous CNC in a wide range of capacities. In all, there are 45 models. Whether the application is small lot, high-precision parts, or rigorous high-volume production, these rugged machines provide true precision, long-term reliability and broad application flexibility. ACC Column DX Series ACC Column iQ Series ACC Column DXNC Series n This fully automatic grinder uses n When grinding conditions change n Precise, productive, easy to learn - the DX Control that has a 35 year and fast turn-over is important, the that's the DXNC Series. This record of proven performance. iQ Series delivers. This model has model features built-in grinding Precise AC servo driven downfeed fully controllable vertical and cross- cycles with powerful conversational with 0.00005" minimum increments feed through precise AC servo software. Single surface, multi- is displayed on the built-in digital drives. An overhead wheel dresser surface (step, step with convex display. provides automatic wheel shape, step with concave shape dress/dress compensation. A table and templates) for wheel forming mount type wheel dresser is also are standard. The standard 2-point available. table mounted wheel dresser affords increased tolerances by establishing dresser point as datum. When the application calls for form grinding (G-code) and contour grinding (G-code) choose the optional 7-step swing type or rotary type wheel dressers. 2 Machines may be pictured with options.

Choose the model that's right for the job Grinding Cycle WORKPIECE SHAPE DX SERIES iQ SERIES DXNC SERIES (Full Auto.Type) (PLC Type) (CNC Type) S U R F A C E Traverse, Step Traverse, Step Traverse, Step Plunge Plunge Plunge Shift Plunge Shift Plunge Workpiece surface is bigger than grinding wheel surface MULTI-SURFACE Traverse, Step, Crisscross Groove - Traverse, Step Multi-Step Pitch - Constant, Irregular _ Multi-Step Vertical plunge depths and cross feed positions are not the same F O R M Plunge _ _ Contouring Dress F L A T Overhead Semi-Automatic Overhead Fully Automatic Table Mount Single Point Dresser Table Mount Single Point Dresser (Optional) SIDE Table Mount Three Point Dresser _ _ (Optional) FORM DRESS Table Mount Three Point Dresser (Optional) _ _ Swing Type Dresser (Optional) Rotary Type Dresser (Optional) G r i n d i n g a n d D r e s s S o f t w a r e Automatic Infeed and iQ Software Conversational Software Crossfeed Grinding Cycles STEP INFEED TRAVERSE CRISSCROSS HIGH-PRODUCTIVITY SHIFT PLUNGE Single Side Both Sides Step Width Wheel Infeed by both ends Dramatically reduces cycle time by automatically executing of cross stroke. rough grinding in plunge mode then fine grinding in traverse mode. Available on ACC-iQ and ACC-DXNC models. 3

Superior design and construction for the heaviest grinding applications Okamoto Column Types design assures superior Rigidity, Accuracy and Reliability - Work Envelope Access for simplified large work set-up and in-process inspection Why Column Type Design is Better The grinding wheel is part of the column assembly, both move simultaneously. The table travels longitudinally on the machine bed. Crossfeed is executed by column travel so chuck/workpiece to operator distance remains constant. The result is optimum operator convenience, safety and operation. COLUMN GRINDING HEAD BED TABLE FRAME Column assembly and table frame Outstanding infeed accuracy with high rigidity design GRINDING SPINDLE TABLE FRAME Over 60 years of grinding machine experience go into At no point during table reciprocation does the chuck every grinder. Robust cast iron has the thickness and work zone overhang the machine frame. This eliminates strategically located ribbing to ensure maximum long-term deflection due to weight stresses and assures consistent rigidity. The wheelhead is fully supported by 6 slideways. accuracy throughout the full grinding stroke. The column assembly incorporates a unique ventilation port to evacuate hot air from the column interior resulting The combination of a V-F slideway and hydraulic cylinder in enhanced thermal stability. provides for stable table movement and speed even withheavy workpieces or slow table speeds. Okamoto Column Type Surface Grinders are renowned for their large and heavy workpiece capacities. 4

Precise heavy grinding conditions demand an exceptional spindle. The cartridge type ACC Column OPTION STANDARD wheel spindle is designed to 4" 3"1" 1" deliver peak accuracy even under the heaviest grinding demands. A specially designed, precision balanced spindle motor drives ø11.25" ø10.25" 8" ø20" the spindle through a flexible coupling that absorbs vibration while transmitting full horsepower. An impeller mounted on the motor shaft expels heat away from the spindle out the column vents. Bearings are sealed and lubed for life. Reliable Hydraulic / Lubrication System Optimum Thermal Stability means Optimum Accuracy. Consistent, dependable lubrication is the lifeblood of any machine. ACC Column Grinders utilize a reliable gravity feed system that provides critical lubrication to all slideways and positioning screws. GRINDING HEAD SLIDEWAY SPINDLE AUTO.TEMP. CONTROL HEAT EXCHANGE UNIT UNIT (Option) COOLANT TANK TABLE LONGITUDINAL (Option) SLIDEWAY The hydraulic units / temperature regulating systems are designed to be positioned away from the grinding machine. This eliminates the transmission of accuracy robbing heat and vibration to the machine. AUTO.TEMP. HYDRAULIC CONTROL ACC-DX Series: Oil Temperature Regulator standard UNIT UNIT (EX: Option) ACC-iQ Series: Oil Temperature Regulator standard. Spindle housing temperature controlled by hydraulic oil. SADDLE BED SLIDEWAY ACC-DXNC Series: Oil Temperature Regulator standard. Spindle housing temperature controlled by hydraulic oil. If desired, a heat exchange unit can be connected to grinder's coolant tank. 5

ACC-DX Series Machines may be pictured with options. ACC-DX Models deliver rugged performance, superb precision and long-term dependability at an affordable price. They utilize Okamoto's exclusive MDI control system that assures consistent precise infeed. Minimum increment is 0.000050". Total stroke is also displayed. This easy-to-use control simplifies touch down and minimizes air cut time. Optimum Convenience High Precision Simple Operation The DX Series lets today's The best components make for the Okamoto's DX control system progressive machinists enjoy the best machine. The combination of a simplifies the grinders’ fully convenience, flexibility and safety of high resolution AC servo motor and automatic cycle. Coarse grinding, Okamoto column type design. The fine pitch ballscrew delivers Fine Grinding, Spark-out and traveling column assures outstanding infeeds of 0.00005". Table Stop are all part of the unobstructed access to the work Okamoto's LSI Control System machines’ integrated grind cycle. envelope even with extra-large allows operators to select infeeds Vertical wheelhead positions are workpieces. Parts loading/unloading from 0.00005" to 0.0025" through always displayed on the vertical and in-process inspection is also simple switch operation. digital display. simplified. All handwheels, switches and control buttons are conveniently located on the front control panel. An interlock system during the auto cycle and protective covers for table dogs and other machine components promotes operator safety. 6

Operation Panel n9 n10 n6 n8 n11 n2 n4 n5 n7 n1 n3 n12 n1 Table Longitudinal Feed Handwheel n10 Table Start Right Pushbutton n18 Reset Switch n2 Crossfeed Reversing Limit Selector n11 Table Right End Stop Pushbutton n19 Grinding Mode Selector Switch n3 Crossfeed Handwheel n12 Grinding Mode Selector Switch n20 Coarse Grinding Infeed Selector Switch n4 Manual Pulse Generator for Vertical Feed n13 Wheelhead Rapid Traverse Switch n21 Fine Grinding Stock Removal Set up n5 Crossfeed Direction Control Switch n14 Rapid/Jog Infeed Switch Switch n6 Crossfeed Speed Adjusting Lever n15 Vertical Positioning Display (during auto n 22 Fine Grinding Infeed Selector Switch n Wheel Dressing Speed Adjusting Knob mode : Stock removal amount display) n 23 Spark-out Counter Switch (0 - 5 times) 7 and Direction Change Lever n16 Reset Switch n8 Table Speed Adjusting Lever n17 Crossfeed Positioning Display (Option) n9 Table Start Left Pushbutton n15 n16 n20 WORKPIECE SURFACE (GRINDING STARTING POINT) n13 n21 20n17 n18 n14 n19 COARSE INFEED AMOUNT 4 INTERRUPT BY MPGn22 n23 COARSE STOCK REMOVAL AMOUNT COARSE GRINDING COARSE STOCK REMOVAL AMOUNT FINE GRINDING 21 FINE STOCK 22 23REMOVAL AMOUNT SPARK OUT n4 Manual Pulse Generator Self Diagnostic Function All Column DX models are equipped n12 Grinding Mode Select Switch with a Vertical Feed Manual Pulse Traverse: Downfeed signal at the Simply press "DGN" key LED aided Generator as standard. This gives end of each Crossfeed reversal troubleshooting. the operator necessary mobility for Plunge 1: Downfeed signal at right Stock Removal Set-Up wheelhead positioning during set-up. end of the table stroke Fine feed increments of 0.00005" Total stock removal amount is input and 0.005" per handwheel revolution Plunge 2: Downfeed signal at both and displayed through simple key enables precise wheel to work ends of the table stroke input. The Fine Grinding Stock positioning. If desired, an optional Amount Selector Switch enables the vertical feed handwheel is available operator to switch between Coarse on all models. and Fine grinding input modes. 7

ACC-iQ Series ACC-iQ Models provide all the performance, precision and dependability of the DX Series plus a new degree in convenience. Their easy-to-use Touch-Screen Interactive Graphical Software simplifies set-up, change-over and boosts productivity. ACC-iQ Series Column Grinders use Okamoto’s state-of-the-art iQ Control Okamoto's “user-friendly” grinding delivers a new degree in software. This proven software programming simplicity. Simply input simplifies all phases of the grinding total stock removal, fine stock operation while giving the operator removal and grinding wheel data - the “feel” of conventional machine the control then automatically selects operation. This simple “teach the optimum grinding and dress function” simplifies vertical sizing conditions. position, crossfeed point and dressing position. Vertical and Cross movement, Automatic Downfeed (Traverse or Plunge) are programmable in selected user increments from 0.00001" to 0.004". The minimum Crossfeed increment is 0.00001". Machines may be pictured with options. 8

High Performance iQ Functions n Powerful Spindle Motor n Overhead Wheel Dresser with Automatic Dress Compensation used for coarse and fine grinding cycles n Shift/Plunge Grinding dramatically reduces cycle times 3-Step Form Set-Up Page 3-Step Convex Form Set-Up Page n iQ’s cycle Time Calculation Function boosts productivity n iQ automatically selects optimum shift amount during Shift-Plunge cycle for maximum grinding efficiency n Standard Spindle Inverter, Hydraulic Oil Temperature Regulator and Grinding Head Oil Circulation assure continuous optimum accuracy 3-Step Concave Form Set-Up Page Dress Set-Up Page Grinding Data Screen MODE SELECTION MENU Table Stroke Set Up Dress Data Set Up Grinding Data Set Up Multiple Menu Data Preserve Data Call, Data Edit Parameter Datum Set Up (Screen shows Work Surface Datum) n1 Select for Step Infeed or Crisscross Continuous Infeed n2 Select for Chuck Surface Datum or Work Surface Datum 3 n3 Set Up Air Cut Amount n1 n1 Display Current Grinding Wheel Shape n2 n2 Change Dress Condition During Cycle n3 Compensation Grinding n3 Datum Selection 00.0000 00.0000 n1 Coarse Grinding Infeed Amount & Coarse Grinding 00.0000 00.0000 Cross Feed Speed (F-Key) 7 8 9Fine Grinding 00.0000 7 8 9 4 5 6 4 5 6 n2 Fine Grinding Infeed Amount & Inching Key 1 2 3 1 2 30 . 0 . Cross Feed Speed (F-Key) 3 Work Surface Datum Chuck Surface Datumn Left Side Sparkout (Timer Setup) Right Side IQ Cycle Time Calculation 9

ACC-DXNC Series Machines may be pictured with options. Various Dressing Units Wheel Forming Tracks The Single Point Dresser Unit (located Y table left side) uses Column Crossfeed and Grinding Wheel vertical movement Z to generate flat dress or multi-flat Z grinding. Y Table Mount Single Point Dresser Unit The 3-Point Dresser unit (located table left side) has a top and 2 side-mounted diamonds needed to prepare Angle Dress, Side Dress or Radius Wheel Forms. Y Y n For Angle Dress (45 deg. divide) Z For use wheel OD dress, Angle Dress (V-shape) form n For Side Dress (90 deg. divide). For use wheel OD dress, single Table Mount 3-Point Dresser Unit (optional) side dress, both side dress form. The Swing-Type Dresser Unit (located Y table right side). Dresser arm can be Y tilted +/- 30 deg., +/- 15 deg. and 0 deg. to avoid interference between diamond Z tool and shoulder, and make universal Z wheel forms with 2-axes simultaneous control for Cross and Vertical Infeed. Optional Rotary and Swing Type Dresser 10 (optional)

Easy operation with Operator Friendly Software Minimum increment 0.00001" for [Grinding wheel Vertical & Crossfeed feed] High Efficiency for Setting up time with 78 IPM for Vertical movement, 196 IPM for Cross movement. High level of consistency to assure high CNC takes on complicated procedures Dress Interruption during Auto Cycle accuracy tolerances n Easy input sizing or positioning. n Dress button can be pushed at any n Vertical Feed Slideway for Low Friction Teaching function allows for easy time during auto cycle. Upon dress Crossfeed Slideway (V-V) position inputs completion, cycle resumes at last n n Hydraulic Type Counter Balance No position reference needed for start. grinding datum position. n Cylinder Eliminates useless air cuts or start positions. Coarse Grinding Cycle included as n Oil Cool Type Spindle Housing for standard Thermal Control n High Efficiency Shift Plunge grinding mode for coarse plunge grinding to fine traverse grinding incorporated in one easy-to-use cycle User Friendly Conversational Software Menu Dressing Menu Selection Grinding Menu Selection Grinding Data - A Grinding Data - B Dresser Select Grinding Wheel Data Input Grinding Mode Setup Screen Datum Position Setup Return to Menu Screen Return to Menu Screen Structure for Menu Screen Menu-1 (Dress Position Set-up ) (Dresser Set-up or Select Dresser Unit) and (Dressing Datum) Set-up. Menu-2 (Dress Menu Set-up) (Select Wheel Form) (Data for Form) Set-up (Single Dress) Action Menu-3 (Grinding Menu Set-up) User Friendly Conversational Software MARK: WORK DATUM POSITION WORK DATUM POSITION Y Work Form Setup Datum Position Setup WORK DATUM POSITION Completed Data InputDRESSER 11

Standard and Optional Accessories to meet any demand Standard Accessories Optional Accessories No Items DX iQ DXNC 1 Grinding Wheel O O O Coolant System with Magnetic Dust Separator 2 Wheel Adapter O O O Coolant System with Magnetic Dust Separator and Paper Filter System 3 Hydraulic Type Over-the-Wheel Dresser O O - Coolant Temperature Regulator 4 Automatic Dress Compensation Type N/A O O Electro Magnetic Chuck 5 Table Mount Type Diamond Dresser Tool N/A Option O Tool with Holder Chuck Controller for Normal Electro-Magnetic Chuck 6 Hand Held Vertical & Cross - O O Electro-Permanent Magnetic Chuck Manual Pulse Generator Chuck Controller for Electro-Permanent Magnetic Chuck 7 15hp Wheel Spindle Motor O O O Oil Cooling Type Electro Magnetic Chuck 8 Spindle Inverter Option O O Oil Cooling Type Spindle Housing 9 Wheel Guard + Magnet Stand Base O O O Grinding Wheel Balancing Stand with Arbor 10 Splash Cover with Coolant Nozzle & Pipe O O O Balancing Test Arbor 11 Hydraulic Oil Temperature Controller O O O Grinding Wheel Adapter 12 Hydraulic Oil Cool Type Spindle Housing Option O O Grinding Wheel Adapter for Micro Balancer 13 Signal Tower (3-Color Type) Option Option O Micro Balancer System 14 Table Lifting System By Hydraulic System O O O Hydraulic Oil Temperature Regulator 15 Controller System Okamoto Okamoto Fanuc Vertical Spindle Attachment with Dressing Device 16 Graphic Type Conversational Software - O O Grinding Wheel Adapter for Vertical Spindle Unit 17 G-Code Program Capability - - O Frequency Inverter for Wheel Spindle (DX only) 18 Hydraulic Cylinder Type Signal Light (3-Color Type) Weight Balance System - - O Calendar Timer 19 Leveling Bolts with Plates O O O Table Enclosure 20 Necessary Tools & Tool Box O O O Coolant System Grinding Wheel Balancing Stand Electro-magnetic Chuck Dynamic Wheel Balancing System with Arbor Indexing System Overhead Wheel Dresser Micro Balancer System Vertical Spindle Attachment 12

Floor Plans / Weights 20 5.47 5.91 C D E F G H I J K L A B ACC DX SERIES (Dimensions in Inches) 24l48 24l60 28l60 32l80 A 213 216 216 263 B 106 119 125 C 86 94 94 D 33.46 37.4 37.4 E / F 12.99 14.96 16.93 G / H 15.16 17.13 19.09 I / J 11.81 13.78 15.75 K / L 7.87 11.81 11.81 WEIGHT (in Lbs.) 17,200 18,520 23,3 70 26,900 ACC iQ SERIES (Dimensions in Inches) 24l48 24l60 28l60 A 213 216 216 B 142 142 152 C 87 95 D 33.07 37.4 E / F 12.99 14.96 G / H 15.16 17.13 I / J 11.81 13.78 K / L 7.87 11.81 WEIGHT (in Lbs.) 16,760 18,100 22,880 ACC DXNC SERIES (Dimensions in Inches) 24l48 24l60 28l60 32l80 A 229 231 231 263 B 116 126 132 C 125 134 134 D 32.67 36.61 36.61 E / F 13.58 14.96 16.92 G /H 13.19 17.12 19.09 I / J 9.84 13.77 15.74 K / L 7.87 11.81 11.81 WEIGHT (in Lbs.) 17,200 18,520 23,370 26,660 13

Specifications MODEL Unit ACC-24l48* ACC-24l60* ACC-28l60* ACC-32l80 CAPACITY Grinding Capacity (W x L) in. 24 x 48 24 x 60 28 x 60 32 x 120 Max. Movement (W x L) in. 26 x 57 26 x 69 30 x 69 34 x 128 Table Working Surface (W x L) in. 24 x 48 24 x 60 28 x 60 32 x 120 Max. Dist. Under Wheel in. 27.3 (26.5 iQ Models) Magnetic Chuck Size (W x L x H) in 24 x 47 x 4.3 24 x 59 x 4.3 28 x 59 x 4.3 32 x 118 x 4.3 Table Load Capacity (Incl. Chuck) lbs 5,510 (1,170) 5,260 (1,330) 5,640 (1,700) 6,170 (3,910) T-Slots (W x No.) in. 0.78 x 3 GRINDING WHEEL Dimensions (D x W x B) in. 20 x 3 x 8 (20 x 3 x 5 optional) Speed rpm 1,100 (60Hz) MOTORS Grinding Wheel Spindle hp 20 20 (30 optional) * ACC-iQ Models available in these three sizes only Vertical Feed (AC Servo) hp 1.07 for ACC-DX Models 1.7 for ACC-iQ Models Cross Feed (AC Servo) hp N/A for ACC-DX Models 1.7 for ACC-iQ Models Hydraulic Oil Pump hp 5 7.3 Specifications subject to change without notice. POWER V 230/460 MODEL Unit ACC-DX Models ACC-iQ Models ACC-DXNC Models TABLE FEED (Longitudinal) Hydraulic Feedrate (Average) ft./min. 6 ~ 82 6 ~ 82 10 ~ 82 Hand Feed per Revolution in. 1 COLUMN FEED (Crossfeed) Manual Infeed Handfeed per Revolution in. 0.20 0.001 (x1) / 0.01 (x10) / 0.001 (x1) / 0.01 (x10) / 0.1 (x100) / 0.2 (x200) 0.1 (x100) Handfeed per Graduation in. 0.0008 0.00001 (x1) / 0.0001 (x10) / 0.00001 (x1) / 0.0001 (x10) 0.001 (x100) / 0.002 (x200) 0.001 (x100) VERTICAL FEED Manual Downfeed Handfeed per Revolution in. 0.005 (x1) / 0.05 (x10) 0.001 (x1) / 0.01 (x10) / 0.001 (x0.1) / 0.01 (x1) / 0.1 (x100) 0.100 (x10) Handfeed per Graduation in. 0.00005 (x1) / 0.0005 (x10) 0.00001 (x1) / 0.0001 (x10) / 0.00001 (x0.1) / 0.0001 (x1) / 0.001 (x100) 0.001 (x10) Rapid Feedrate in./min. 14 23 79 Auto Infeed Coarse Grinding in. 0.00005 - 0.0025 0.00001 ~ 0.04 Programmed Through (Coarse: 15 Steps / Fine: 10 Steps) Conversational Software Fine Grinding in. 0.00005 - 0.0005 0.00001 ~ 0.04 Programmed Through (Coarse: 15 Steps / Fine: 10 Steps) Conversational Software Aircut Amount Coarse Grinding in. N/A Programmed Through Programmed Through Conversational Software Conversational Software Aircut Amount Fine Grinding in. N/A Programmed Through Programmed Through Conversational Software Conversational Software No. of Sparkouts 0 - 5 0 - 99 0 - 9 14

ACC-CHiQ SERIES EXTRA-LARGE HIGH CAPACITY DOUBLE COLUMN SURFACE GRINDERS If you’re faced with high-precision surface grinding of extra large components consider the ACC-CHiQ Series Double Column Grinders.They deliver a new degree of accuracy and efficiency making them ideal for demanding mold and die-base production grinding, and other rigorous large component grinding applications. Check out these value-driven performance features: n Ultra-rigid, heavy-duty double column ACC-32l80CHiQ Double Column Grinding Machine design and construction. n Easy-to-use Okamoto iQ Touch Screen Specifications Control Table Working Size (W x L): 32" x 80" n Powerful 30hp spindle motor Max. Distance Under Wheel: 23.5" n Double-V slideways assure true Table Load Capacity (incl Chuck): 5,512 lbs tracking and greater table load support Grinding Wheel (D x W x B): 20" x 4" x 8" n Shift-Plunge Cycle for fast efficient Grinding Wheel Motor: 30 hp / 4P stock removal Machine Weight: 34,200 lbs n Multi-level grinding capability n Available GRIND-BIX High Productivity Other sizes available. Coolant System enables Contact your Okamoto Grinding Specialist for details. up to a 10 time increase in vertical infeed amounts n Surprisingly small footprint GRIND-BIX High Productivity Coolant System Specifications subject to change without notice Machine pictured with options 15

Emerging Abrasives Technology Okamoto Corporation 370 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: (847) 235-3500 Fax: (847) 235-3274 www.okamotocorp.com PRINTED IN USA 07/16 REV 2