








ドキュメント名 ROシステム【精製・濃縮、排水回収、NF膜による造水、RO】
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 382.6Kb
取り扱い企業 岩井ファルマテック株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)








膜システム シリーズ Membrane System Series RO、NF膜による造水、排水回収、濃縮・精製 Fresh water generation, drainage water collection, concentration ROシステム and purification with RO and NF membranes RO system ●ROシステムは、導入先の用途に最適に対 ●RO system can be designed and manufactured 応するシステムで設計・製作いたします to integrate optimally with customers' desired applications. 最先端装備導入・最適システム設計・多(新規)用途対応 Introducing cutting edge systems / Optimal system 主たる用途は design / Applicable to a variety of (new) purposes ●濃縮・精製 Major applications ●水処理 ●Concentration/Purification  1 海水淡水化 ●Water treatment  1 Seawater desalination  2 用水(純水、工程用水)  2 Service water (pure water, process water)  3 排水回収  3 Drainage water collection 近年、RO膜は、低圧RO膜、限外ろ過と逆浸透の中間のポア A variety of new RO membranes have recently been developed and put on the market, such as low-pressure RO membranes, サイズをもったナノフィルトレーション膜(NF膜)、セラ nanofiltration membranes (NF membranes) that have an ミック製NF膜等数多く新しい膜が開発、販売されています。 intermediate bore size between the one for ultrafiltration and これらの膜を適切に目的に応用する事により、今まで不可能 the one for reverse osmosis, ceramic NF membranes, and so であった、新用途に益々導入されています。 on. By properly applying those membranes, new adaptations that were never before possible are now achievable. 当社はEDI(電気再生式イオン交換)、浄水用MF/UF膜との組 We design economical and easily-maintainable water treatment 合せにより、メンテナンスが容易で経済的なシステムによる水 systems by combining the EDI (electro deionization) system with 処理システムを設計しています。 the MF/UF membrane for water purification, etc. 用途例 Application examples 1 濃縮・精製 1 Concentration/Purification ● Concentration and purification of carbohydrate solution ● Concentration and purification of amino acid and peptide ● Concentration and purification of antibiotics and hormones ● Concentration and recycling of aluminum electrodeposition liquid ● Concentration of botanical extracts ● Concentration of coffee and tea ● Concentration of various low-molecular substances ● Recovery of acid, alkali, and organic solvent from substance having molecular weight of 1000 or more 2 水処理 2 Water treatment ● Seawater desalination Fresh water generation system for ships Fresh water generation system for isolated islands ● Service water EDI and ion exchange pre-treatment Production of water for foods and beverages Production of water for producing pharmaceuticals Desalination of underground brine water ● Drainage water collection Reduction of COD and BOD Treatment of dyestuff wastewater Tertiary treatment and collection of drainage water Collection of cooling water

ROシステム RO、NF膜による造水、排水回収、濃縮・精製 Fresh water generation, drainage water collection, concentration RO system and purification with RO and NF membranes 水処理基本フロー Water treatment basic flow Feeding of chemicals RO membrane Pre-filter Treated water Raw water 濃縮・精製システムについては、目的に最適な システムを当社の経験豊かなノウハウと多くの 実積に基づき、設計製作いたしております。 High-pressure We design and manufacture the optimal concentration Supply pump pump Ultraviolet sterilizer and purification system that will suit your desired usage Concentrated water needs based on our proprietary know-how confirmed through a variety of past experience and achievements. 仕様 Specifications Model Amount of treated water Required power input Outline dimensions Note 1: The amount of treated water is based on 25℃ raw water. Note 2: Power consumption differs depending on the quality of raw water. 運転管理及びメンテナンス Operation management and maintenance 前処理 Pre-treatment 擬集沈殿、砂ろ過、活性炭ろ過 Coagulating sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon filtration MF/UF処理 MF/UF treatment pH と温度調整 pH and temperature adjustments 滅菌 Sterilization スケールインヒビターの添加 Addition of scale inhibitor 脱塩素化 Dechlorination treatment 運転管理項目 Operation management items ろ過流速と脱塩率の変化 Variation of the filtration flow rate and desalination rate 回収率 Collection rate 濃縮液とろ過液の組成分析 Composition analysis of concentrated liquid and filtered liquid モジュール出入口の圧力損失 Pressure loss at the module inlet/outlet モジュール内の液流速 Liquid flow rate in the module ポンプ性能 Pump performance 計器のキャリブレーション Calibration of measuring instruments 膜性能回復法 Membrane performance recovery method フラッシング Flushing 薬液洗浄 Cleaning with medicinal solution 滅菌 Sterilization モジュールの一部交換 Partial module exchange お問い合わせ/Contact information 本  社  〒144-0033 東京都大田区東糀谷3-17-10 Tel:03-5737-7171 Fax:03-5737-7172 Head ofce 3-17-10 Higashikojiya, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 144-0033 Japan Tel: (81)3-5737-7171 Fax: (81)3-5737-7172   大阪支店 〒540-0029 大阪市中央区本町橋1-5 本町橋タワー4階 Tel:06-6944-8666 Fax:06-6944-8667 Osaka branch ofce Honmachibashi tower 4F, 1-5 honmachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0029,Japan Tel: (81)6-6944-8666 Fax: (81)6-6944-8667